Autors: Todorov, G. D., Kamberov, K. H., Ivanov, A. P.
Title: Decreasing power loss through control improvement of kinetic UPS system
Keywords: Flywheels, Storage System, Power Quality

Abstract: The focus of the study is an improvement of kinetic uninterruptible power supply system, as a module of an emergency power system. This research study is based on prototype tests and measurements. Detailed analysis of power losses and system effectiveness is performed, determining shares of electrical, mechanical and aerodynamic losses. The analysis is based on experiments over a prototype. An innovative system management and control is developed, based on performed analysis. Elaborated control method is based on impulse management of generator instead of continuous supported power supply. Decreasing of power loss has direct impact on the product's cost of ownership.



    AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2048, 2018, United Kingdom,

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