Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Сивова, М. В.
Заглавие: Способи за получаване на наклонени бримки върху плетивото
Ключови думи: наклонени, надлъжно изместване, бримки, методи

Абстракт: Анализират се начините за получаване на наклонени бримки върху плетивото. Прави се схематично класификация на способите за наклоняване на бримките в плетачната структура. Дават се примери за различни плетива с наклонени бримки.



    Известия на Съюза на учените Сливен, том 34 (1), стр. стр. 73-78, 2019, България, Сливен, Съюз на учените в България - клон Сливен, ISSN 1311-2864

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Sivova, M. V.
    Title: Ɇethods for the ways of getting inclined stitches
    Keywords: inclined, racked, stitches, methods

    Abstract: The ways of getting inclined stitches on knitting are being analyzed. A schematic classification of the methods of tilting the stitches into the knitting structure is made. Examples of different knitting racked rib structures are given. The different ways of getting stitches on the weft knitting knits appear much later than the first times when a person begins to knit by hand. It was only in the middle of the 16th century that the knitting stitch was used in Europe, and the inclined stitches appeared in the 17th century [1, 2, 3]. By incorporating the racking of the needle beds one over the other, and the introduction of a number of innovations in knitting machines in the 19th and 20th centuries, effective knitting of knitwear with inclined stitches [4, 5] is achieved. A schematic arrangement of the means for receiving inclined stitches of knitting machines is made on the diagram. The purpose of systematization is to help designers use this kind of structures when designing knits.



      Announcements of Union of Scientists – Sliven, vol. 34 (1), pp. 73-78, 2019, Bulgaria, Sliven, Union of scientists in Bulgaria - branch Sliven, ISSN 1311-2864

      Full text of the publication

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