Autors: Stolfa S., Stolfa J., Šimoník P., Messnarz R., Ekert D., Macher G., Brenner E., Pavlov, N. L., Gigov, B. I., Pavlova, M. M., Schoening M., Paul A., Niemann J., Fussenecker C.
Title: Electric Powertrain Engineer Skills Needs and Pilot Course Implementation
Keywords: Job roles, Automotive engineering, Electric powertrain

Abstract: One of the main technological challenges forced by CO2 reduction regulations in the automotive sector nowadays is the need to develop and implement efficient electric powertrains. To be able to cope with this change and be able to propose innovative solutions, engineers must be able to understand the domain-specific knowledge. In this paper, we introduce the skill set defined as the basic knowledge of the electric powertrain engineer and present the pilot course implementation developed to cover the needed skills. The skill card is based on the analysis of different stakeholders’ viewpoints and combined views from different technical domains; mainly mechanical, electronics, and software engineering.


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Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. EuroSPI 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1442, pp. 675–691, 2021, Austria, Springer, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-85521-5

Copyright Springer, Cham

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