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# Автор
11851 Комарски, Д. П., Гониометрични микро-позициониращи системи с еластични направляващи (2024)
11852 Gancheva, V. S., Popov, G. I., Raynova, K. S., Popova, A. P., Georgiev I., Computer-Aided System for Customs Fraud Analytics Based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques (2024)
11854 Zlateva P., Terziev, A. K., Yordanov K., Ivanov, M. P., Stankov, B. N., Influence of Limestone Dust on PV Panel Efficiency in a Small Solar Park in Bulgaria (2025)
11855 Matov, P. I., Lazarova, M. K., Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Taralova I., Hybrid Machine Learning and Deep Learning CNN Models for Apple Trees Leaves Pathologies Classification (2024)
11856 Cherneva G., Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Photovoltaic Panel Performance Analysis under Shading Conditions (2024)
11857 Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Shopov Y., Synthesis of Linear Passive One-ports and Their Applications (2024)
11858 Zlateva P., Terziev, A. K., Murzova M., Analysis of the Bulgarian Heating Fuel Market, with Focus on Hydrogen Use (2024)
11859 Dimchev, I. N., Terziev, A. K., Ivanov, M. P., Vassilev, M. P., Seasonal Coefficient of Performance of Air-to-Air Heat Pumps Influence on the Energy Performance of Multifamily Residential Buildings in Bulgaria (2024)
11860 Dzhudzhev, B. P., Deliyski, R. C., Pandelova, A. L., Influence of Environment Conditions on the Infra-Red Object Detection Sensor FC-51 (2024)
11861 Dimitrova, R. K., Dimitrov, S. B., Totev, D. K., Examination of the Possibilities of Integration of Control Systems to the Requirements of the "Industry 4.0"Concept of a Single-function Mechatronic Device and of a Multi-function Mechatronic System (2024)
11862 Dimitrova, R. K., Dimitrov, S. B., Totev, D. K., Design of Methodology to Calculate the Degree of Suitability for Integration to the Requirements of the "Industry 4.0"Concept (2024)
11863 Vassilev, M. P., Stankov, B. N., Soiling and Dust Deposition on Solar Panels - Technical Review (2024)
11864 Tomov, R. T., Aleksandrova, M. P., Spray-deposition of MoS2Thin Films and Their Application in Biosensors (2024)
11865 Georgiev, K. G., Pavlov, D. T., Ivanov, D. D., Pachamanov A., Calibration of Luminance Meters for Lighting Control in Road Tunnels (2024)
11866 Комарски, Д. П., Влияние на технологичните неточности върху характеристиките на гониометричен модул (2024)
11867 Rangelov, A. S., Petrov, P. P., Bojchev, B. B., Tzvetkova, S. G., Thermal Management of Battery Energy Storage Systems (2024)
11868 Petrov, P. P., Rangelov, A. S., Tzvetkova, S. G., Bojchev, B. B., Optimizing operating expenses for critical sites in remote desert areas (2024)
11869 Атанасов, В. Ц., Технически загуби на електрическа енергия и мощност в електрическите мрежи средно и ниско напрежение (2007)
11870 S, Y. T., Computer Analysis of the Girder Response of Single Girder Bridge Cranes under Moving Loads (2023)
11871 Chervenkov, A. G., An optimal shape of a loop, moving in a magnetic field with a non-sinusoidal structure, ensuring maximum emf (2000)
11872 Transient and Steady-State Analysis of Electrical Circuits Supplied by Sequence of Rectangular Pulses by Z – Transform (2017)
11873 Vassilev, V. A., Razic S., Terziev, A. K., Quality Management and Control Training Within the ICT-TEX Project (2022)
11874 Fotis G., Vita V., Mladenov, V. M., Monitoring and digitalization technologies for HV power cable systems (2024)
11875 Diakov, D. I., Komarski, D. P., Study of the Rotational Axis Stability of Micro-positioning Elastic Module with 'Butterfly' Flexures (2024)
11876 Diakov, D. I., Komarski, D. P., Goniometric Compliant Mechanism with Elastic Guides Design and Accuracy Characteristic Analysis (2024)
11877 Dichev D., Zhelezarov I., Georgiev B., Pulov D., Kovachev H., Malakov, I. K., Kupriyanov O., Dicheva R., Analysis of Errors in Roll and Pitch Measurements for Moving Objects (2024)
11878 Dichev D., Zhelezarov I., Georgiev B., Hasanov H., Libchev K., Kupriyanov O., Malakov, I. K., Dicheva R., Improving the Accuracy of Systems for Measuring the Angular Position of Moving Objects with an Adaptive Wiener Filter (2024)
11879 Dichev D., Zhelezarov I., Kupriyanov O., Malakov, I. K., Georgiev B., Pulov D., Dicheva R., Kovachev H., Kalman Filter Integration in Orientation Measurement Systems with MEMS Sensors Under Dynamic Conditions (2024)
11880 Zaharinov, V. V., Malakov, I. K., Hasansabri H., Determining the Influence of Model Parameters on the Choosing of an Optimal Size Range of Linear Modules for Automated Sliding Doors (2024)
11881 Ivanov G., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. I., Load Characteristics of Low Power Step-Down Transformer in Liquid Nitrogen (2024)
11882 Liveretos, A. D., Lazarova, M. K., Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials-Trends and Advancement (2024)
11883 Atanasova, R. P., Georgieva, B. G., Vassilev, M. P., Anguelova, S. N., Technical Review on Dust Removal Materials and Technologies for Solar Panels Maintainance (2024)
11884 Gavrailov, D. I., Ibrahim N., Boycheva, S. V., Improved Alkaline Electrode Configuration and CFD Modeling Comparison between Different Electrolysers (2024)
11885 Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Yanev P., Driver Assistance System, based on the Convolutional Neural Network (2024)
11886 Pleshkova, S. G., Kostov, K. R., Development of Graphical User Interface for Creating Audio Effects in Music Production with Artificial Intelligence (2024)
11887 Bozhilov, I. I., Bekyarski, A. B., Pleshkova, S. G., Intelligibility Measurements in Wireless Voice Communication Relative to Distance, Indirect Visibility and Obstacles (2024)
11888 Kralev, J. K., Markovski, A. G., Slavov, T. N., Comparison of Robust mu-Controllers for Type I Diabetes Mellitus (2024)
11889 Mateev, V. M., Sinico M., Gorji Ghalamestani S., Van Hooreweder B., Magnetic properties of as-built and heat treated M789 and M300 maraging steels produced via laser powder bed fusion (2025)
11890 Siderov, D. G., Viglov, K. B., Todorova, T. P., Stanev, R. H., An open - source solar charge controller for LVDC systems (2024)
11891 Velichkova, R. T., Aleksandrov, A. S., Sharkov R., Stanilov, A. S., Simova, I. S., Experimental Investigation the Effect of Number of Blades of Hydrokinetic Turbine Parameters (2024)
11892 Vassilev, V. A., Komarski, D. P., Retrofit of a Roundness Measuring Instrument (2024)
11893 Dimitrova, A. A., Draganova-Zlateva, I. D., Stefanov, S. B., Influence of Technological Processes on the Electrical Properties of Electrical Engineering Materials (2024)
11894 Kirilov, L. A., Dobrilov, D. D., Tenchev, I. A., Uzunov, V. N., Antonov, A. M., Configuration and Optimization of Impedance Protection for Power Transformers (2024)
11895 Kirilov, L. A., Dobrilov, D. D., Tenchev, I. A., Uzunov, V. N., Antonov, A. M., Comparative Analysis of Technical Solutions for Secondary Systems in Substations with a „Breaker- and-a-Half “Scheme (2024)
11896 Kolev M., Nikolova I., Lazarova, M. D., Stoilova S., A new application of the kinetic type theory in immunology (2024)
11897 Komarski, D. P., Study of the Axial Stiffness of Micro-Positioning Elastic Module with 'Butterfly' Flexures (2024)
11898 Komarski, D. P., Goniometric Module with Cross-Shaped Elastic Guides Study (2024)
11899 Radev, H. T., Petrova, G. I., Spasov, G. V., Driver physiological parameters monitoring-initial study in real-road driving (2024)
11900 Popova, M., Mladenov, B. M., Dimitrov, I., Dimitrov, M., Mitova, V., Mitrev, Y., Kovacheva, D., Velinov, N., Karashanova, D., Boycheva, S. V., 3D Printed Ni-Cu Sodalite Catalysts for Sustainable γ-Valerolactone Production from Levulinic Acid-Effect of the Copper Content and the Method of Preparation (2025)