11851 | Комарски, Д. П., | Гониометрични микро-позициониращи системи с еластични направляващи (2024) | |
11852 | Gancheva, V. S., Popov, G. I., Raynova, K. S., Popova, A. P., Georgiev I., | Computer-Aided System for Customs Fraud Analytics Based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques (2024) | |
11854 | Zlateva P., Terziev, A. K., Yordanov K., Ivanov, M. P., Stankov, B. N., | Influence of Limestone Dust on PV Panel Efficiency in a Small Solar Park in Bulgaria (2025) | |
11855 | Matov, P. I., Lazarova, M. K., Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Taralova I., | Hybrid Machine Learning and Deep Learning CNN Models for Apple Trees Leaves Pathologies Classification (2024) | |
11856 | Cherneva G., Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., | Photovoltaic Panel Performance Analysis under Shading Conditions (2024) | |
11857 | Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Shopov Y., | Synthesis of Linear Passive One-ports and Their Applications (2024) | |
11858 | Zlateva P., Terziev, A. K., Murzova M., | Analysis of the Bulgarian Heating Fuel Market, with Focus on Hydrogen Use (2024) | |
11859 | Dimchev, I. N., Terziev, A. K., Ivanov, M. P., Vassilev, M. P., | Seasonal Coefficient of Performance of Air-to-Air Heat Pumps Influence on the Energy Performance of Multifamily Residential Buildings in Bulgaria (2024) | |
11860 | Dzhudzhev, B. P., Deliyski, R. C., Pandelova, A. L., | Influence of Environment Conditions on the Infra-Red Object Detection Sensor FC-51 (2024) | |
11861 | Dimitrova, R. K., Dimitrov, S. B., Totev, D. K., | Examination of the Possibilities of Integration of Control Systems to the Requirements of the "Industry 4.0"Concept of a Single-function Mechatronic Device and of a Multi-function Mechatronic System (2024) | |
11862 | Dimitrova, R. K., Dimitrov, S. B., Totev, D. K., | Design of Methodology to Calculate the Degree of Suitability for Integration to the Requirements of the "Industry 4.0"Concept (2024) | |
11863 | Vassilev, M. P., Stankov, B. N., | Soiling and Dust Deposition on Solar Panels - Technical Review (2024) | |
11864 | Tomov, R. T., Aleksandrova, M. P., | Spray-deposition of MoS2Thin Films and Their Application in Biosensors (2024) | |
11865 | Georgiev, K. G., Pavlov, D. T., Ivanov, D. D., Pachamanov A., | Calibration of Luminance Meters for Lighting Control in Road Tunnels (2024) | |
11866 | Комарски, Д. П., | Влияние на технологичните неточности върху характеристиките на гониометричен модул (2024) | |
11867 | Rangelov, A. S., Petrov, P. P., Bojchev, B. B., Tzvetkova, S. G., | Thermal Management of Battery Energy Storage Systems (2024) | |
11868 | Petrov, P. P., Rangelov, A. S., Tzvetkova, S. G., Bojchev, B. B., | Optimizing operating expenses for critical sites in remote desert areas (2024) | |
11869 | Атанасов, В. Ц., | Технически загуби на електрическа енергия и мощност в електрическите мрежи средно и ниско напрежение (2007) | |
11870 | S, Y. T., | Computer Analysis of the Girder Response of Single Girder Bridge Cranes under Moving Loads (2023) | |
11871 | Chervenkov, A. G., | An optimal shape of a loop, moving in a magnetic field with a non-sinusoidal structure, ensuring maximum emf (2000) | |
11872 | | Transient and Steady-State Analysis of Electrical Circuits Supplied by Sequence of Rectangular Pulses by Z – Transform (2017) | |
11873 | Vassilev, V. A., Razic S., Terziev, A. K., | Quality Management and Control Training Within the ICT-TEX Project (2022) | |
11874 | Fotis G., Vita V., Mladenov, V. M., | Monitoring and digitalization technologies for HV power cable systems (2024) | |
11875 | Diakov, D. I., Komarski, D. P., | Study of the Rotational Axis Stability of Micro-positioning Elastic Module with 'Butterfly' Flexures (2024) | |
11876 | Diakov, D. I., Komarski, D. P., | Goniometric Compliant Mechanism with Elastic Guides Design and Accuracy Characteristic Analysis (2024) | |
11877 | Dichev D., Zhelezarov I., Georgiev B., Pulov D., Kovachev H., Malakov, I. K., Kupriyanov O., Dicheva R., | Analysis of Errors in Roll and Pitch Measurements for Moving Objects (2024) | |
11878 | Dichev D., Zhelezarov I., Georgiev B., Hasanov H., Libchev K., Kupriyanov O., Malakov, I. K., Dicheva R., | Improving the Accuracy of Systems for Measuring the Angular Position of Moving Objects with an Adaptive Wiener Filter (2024) | |
11879 | Dichev D., Zhelezarov I., Kupriyanov O., Malakov, I. K., Georgiev B., Pulov D., Dicheva R., Kovachev H., | Kalman Filter Integration in Orientation Measurement Systems with MEMS Sensors Under Dynamic Conditions (2024) | |
11880 | Zaharinov, V. V., Malakov, I. K., Hasansabri H., | Determining the Influence of Model Parameters on the Choosing of an Optimal Size Range of Linear Modules for Automated Sliding Doors (2024) | |
11881 | Ivanov G., Mateev, V. M., Marinova, I. I., | Load Characteristics of Low Power Step-Down Transformer in Liquid Nitrogen (2024) | |
11882 | Liveretos, A. D., Lazarova, M. K., | Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials-Trends and Advancement (2024) | |
11883 | Atanasova, R. P., Georgieva, B. G., Vassilev, M. P., Anguelova, S. N., | Technical Review on Dust Removal Materials and Technologies for Solar Panels Maintainance (2024) | |
11884 | Gavrailov, D. I., Ibrahim N., Boycheva, S. V., | Improved Alkaline Electrode Configuration and CFD Modeling Comparison between Different Electrolysers (2024) | |
11885 | Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., Yanev P., | Driver Assistance System, based on the Convolutional Neural Network (2024) | |
11886 | Pleshkova, S. G., Kostov, K. R., | Development of Graphical User Interface for Creating Audio Effects in Music Production with Artificial Intelligence (2024) | |
11887 | Bozhilov, I. I., Bekyarski, A. B., Pleshkova, S. G., | Intelligibility Measurements in Wireless Voice Communication Relative to Distance, Indirect Visibility and Obstacles (2024) | |
11888 | Kralev, J. K., Markovski, A. G., Slavov, T. N., | Comparison of Robust mu-Controllers for Type I Diabetes Mellitus (2024) | |
11889 | Mateev, V. M., Sinico M., Gorji Ghalamestani S., Van Hooreweder B., | Magnetic properties of as-built and heat treated M789 and M300 maraging steels produced via laser powder bed fusion (2025) | |
11890 | Siderov, D. G., Viglov, K. B., Todorova, T. P., Stanev, R. H., | An open - source solar charge controller for LVDC systems (2024) | |
11891 | Velichkova, R. T., Aleksandrov, A. S., Sharkov R., Stanilov, A. S., Simova, I. S., | Experimental Investigation the Effect of Number of Blades of Hydrokinetic Turbine Parameters (2024) | |
11892 | Vassilev, V. A., Komarski, D. P., | Retrofit of a Roundness Measuring Instrument (2024) | |
11893 | Dimitrova, A. A., Draganova-Zlateva, I. D., Stefanov, S. B., | Influence of Technological Processes on the Electrical Properties of Electrical Engineering Materials (2024) | |
11894 | Kirilov, L. A., Dobrilov, D. D., Tenchev, I. A., Uzunov, V. N., Antonov, A. M., | Configuration and Optimization of Impedance Protection for Power Transformers (2024) | |
11895 | Kirilov, L. A., Dobrilov, D. D., Tenchev, I. A., Uzunov, V. N., Antonov, A. M., | Comparative Analysis of Technical Solutions for Secondary Systems in Substations with a „Breaker- and-a-Half “Scheme (2024) | |
11896 | Kolev M., Nikolova I., Lazarova, M. D., Stoilova S., | A new application of the kinetic type theory in immunology (2024) | |
11897 | Komarski, D. P., | Study of the Axial Stiffness of Micro-Positioning Elastic Module with 'Butterfly' Flexures (2024) | |
11898 | Komarski, D. P., | Goniometric Module with Cross-Shaped Elastic Guides Study (2024) | |
11899 | Radev, H. T., Petrova, G. I., Spasov, G. V., | Driver physiological parameters monitoring-initial study in real-road driving (2024) | |
11900 | Popova, M., Mladenov, B. M., Dimitrov, I., Dimitrov, M., Mitova, V., Mitrev, Y., Kovacheva, D., Velinov, N., Karashanova, D., Boycheva, S. V., | 3D Printed Ni-Cu Sodalite Catalysts for Sustainable γ-Valerolactone Production from Levulinic Acid-Effect of the Copper Content and the Method of Preparation (2025) | |