Autors: Hranov, T. H., Hinov, N. L.
Title: Practical evaluation of intelligent DC-DC fast charger with embedded system applications
Keywords: automated measurements, DC-DC converters, embedded control, smart charging

Abstract: The paper presents the evaluation of an intelligent DC-DC USB fast charger, based on the integrated solution bq25895 from Texas Instruments. The idea is to evaluate the boost mode efficiency from a single cell Li-ION battery and compare it to the stated datasheet parameters. The solution differs from the evaluation board offered by the firm, in sense that the PCB is designed to be as compact as possible for space constrained application. In this sense there will be different thermal performance of the chip, hence this could be a reason for difference in the practical and laboratory evaluation of the solution.


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2024 33rd International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, ,

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