11751 | Zlateva, P., Yordanov, K., Murzova, M., Terziev, A. K., | Consumer preferences for solid biomass fuels for energy purposes (2025) | |
11752 | Christoff, N. V., Tonchev, K., | Material Attribute Estimation as Part of Telecommunication Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality System: Systematic Review (2024) | |
11753 | Mladenov, V. M., Kirilov, S. M., | A Simple Memristor Model for Memory Crossbars (2024) | |
11754 | Stanchev, P. A., Popov, G. I., Raynova, K. S., Hinov, N. L., | Reliability Study in Buck DC-DC Converter Using Markov Models (2024) | |
11755 | Minkovska, D. V., Antonova, E. V., Koparanov, K. A., Nakov, P. O., | An Approach to Investigating Plagiarism in Artificial Intelligence Content (2024) | |
11756 | Nikolova, B. M., Nikolov, G. T., Sirakov A.D., | Cloud-Based System for Air Quality Monitoring (2024) | |
11757 | Pandiev, I. M., Antchev H., Kurtev, N. A., Tomchev, N. N., Aleksandrova, M. P., | Analysis and Design of Low-Power Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuit for Wearable Battery-Free Power Supply Devices (2025) | |
11758 | Zaharinov, V. V., Malakov, I. K., Cankaya O., Dimitrov, L. V., | Multi-Criteria Choosing of Material for Manufacturing a Pressure Relief Valve † (2024) | |
11759 | Stanchev, P. A., Tomov, Y. K., Hinov, N. L., | Problems and Solution in Ensuring Cybersecurity of IoT Devices for the Needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (2024) | |
11760 | Tsochev, G. R., Ukov, T. G., Rusev, A. N., Sharabov, M. Z., Trifonov, R. I., | Directing Analysis on Conducted Experiments for Researching the Effects of Training with A Video Game (2024) | |
11761 | Sharabov, M. Z., Tsochev, G. R., Trifonov, R. I., | Security of Clusters: A Review (2024) | |
11762 | Lazarova S., Paunska T., Vasilev V., Tarnev, K. C., Iordanova S., Kolev S., | Gliding Arc/Glow Discharge for CO2 Conversion: The Role of Discharge Configuration and Gas Channel Thickness (2024) | |
11763 | Neshev S., Tonchev K., Petkova, R. R., Manolova, A. H., | Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification Using Semantic Information (2023) | |
11764 | Mladenov, V. M., | Prediction of Limit Cycles in nonlinear systems with ideal relay type nonlinearities by using Multiple-input Describing Functions (2009) | |
11765 | Florez-Revuelta, F. et all., Petrova, G. I., | 50 questions on Active Assisted Living technologies. Global edition. (2024) | |
11766 | Velichkova, R. T., Simova, I. S., Pushkarov, M. I., Stanilov, A. S., | A Sustainable Approach to Improve Soil Health. A Case Study for Western Bulgaria (2024) | |
11767 | Hristov, A. V., Hristov, V. P., | Investigation of Time for Conducting A Successful DDoS Attacks in IIoT Network (2024) | |
11768 | Aleksandrova, M. P., Pandiev, I. M., | Synergy integration of energy harvesting and supercapaciting elements for enhanced performance (2024) | |
11769 | Petkova, R. R., Bozhilov, I. B., Nikolova, D. V., Vladimirov, I. H., Manolova, A. H., | Taxonomy and Survey of Current 3D Photorealistic Human Body Modelling and Reconstruction Techniques for Holographic-Type Communication (2023) | |
11770 | Цеков, Р. П., | Енергийни характеристики на сгради (2024) | |
11771 | | Defects in the metal of welded joints of collectors to Steam Generators in Nuclear Power Plants (2025) | |
11772 | Peev, I. I., | Lost in the Economic Agenda: Reclaiming Education for Sustainable Development (2024) | |
11773 | Peev, I. I., | Nurturing Collaborative Learning Environments – Disrupting Pedagogy (2024) | |
11774 | Peev, I. I., | Connecting Academic Knowledge with Industry - Detachment from Reality (2024) | |
11775 | Peev, I. I., | The 5TH Element of the New Pedagogy – Emotional Intelligence and PEDAGOGICAL Interaction (2024) | |
11776 | Mikhov, M. R., Zhilevski, M. M., | Analysis of a Multi-Coordinate Drive System Aiming at Performance Improvement (2012) | |
11777 | Mikhov, M. R., Zhilevski, M. M., Alexander SPIRIDONOV., | Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Spindle Electric Drive with Adaptive Speed Control (2012) | |
11778 | Borissova, A. B., Popov, D. A., Hristov, K. H., | An Evaluation of Humidified Discharge Cycle for Cryogenic Pumped Heat Energy Storage (2024) | |
11779 | Borissova, A. B., Popov, D. A., Hristov, K. H., | An Evaluation of High-Temperature Energy Storage with Closed Gas Turbine Discharge Cycle (2024) | |
11780 | Gancheva, V. S., | Software Anomaly Detection Method Based on Artificial Neural Network (2024) | |
11781 | Gancheva, V. S., Popov, G. I., Nakov, O. N., Raynova, K. S., Popova, A. P., | Customs Fraud Detection Method Based on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (2024) | |
11782 | Gechev, T. M., Nedelchev, K. I., Kralov, I. M., | Autogiros: Review and Classification (2025) | |
11783 | Mitov, A. S., Nikolov, N. D., Kralov, I. M., | Influence of the Radial Gap on the External Gear Pump Performance (2025) | |
11784 | Petrov P., Kralov, I. M., | Exponential Trajectory Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots (2025) | |
11785 | Mitov A.P., Hinov, N. L., Hranov, T. H., | The Tesla Coil as an Educational Tool: Unveiling High-Voltage Phenomena in Power Electronics Education (2024) | |
11786 | Dekov A.A., Hinov, N. L., Hranov, T. H., | Software Environment for Automated Experiments with DC/DC Converters (2024) | |
11787 | Vacheva, G. I., Raynova, K. S., Hinov, N. L., | Design Consideration for Assembling of PV System for Small Enterprises (2024) | |
11788 | Angelov, S. A., Lazarova, M. K., | Color Errors Generated Due to Color Space Transformation (2024) | |
11789 | Andreev, D. J., Trifonov, R. I., Lazarova, M. K., | Challenges Regarding AI Integration in V2X Communication (2024) | |
11790 | Vacheva, G. I., Stanchev, P. A., Hinov, N. L., | Study of the Influence of the Output Capacitor on the Operating Modes of a Buck DC-DC Converter (2024) | |
11791 | Hinov, N. L., Stanchev, P. A., Vacheva, G. I., | Application of Digital Twins for Design and Operation of a Power Electronic Devices (2024) | |
11792 | Rangelov, V. N., Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., | Overview of Existing Algorithms for Determining Semantic Correlation Between Products (2024) | |
11793 | Samokisheva, V. G., Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., | Risks and Challenges of Using Ai In Healthcare (2024) | |
11794 | Blagoev, L. P., Trifonov, R. I., Spassov K.B., | Architecture for Semantic Interoperability in the E-Governance Environment (2024) | |
11795 | Rangelov, V. N., Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., | Strategy for Selecting A Widely-Applicable Algorithm for Finding Semantic Relationships Between Products in The Field of E-Commerce (2024) | |
11796 | Blagoev, L. P., Trifonov, R. I., Spassov K.B., | Methods and Means of Verification for Semantic Interoperability Compliance (2024) | |
11797 | Valkovski, T. I., Dimitrov, K. L., | Infrared Thermography Analysis of Temperature Changes and Performance in Active and Inactive Sportsmen Across Multiple Laps (2024) | |
11798 | Dimitrov, K. L., Damyanov, I. S., | Thermal Infrared Imaging of Near-Freezing Objects with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the Influence of Observation Height in Real Conditions (2024) | |
11799 | Mateev, V. M., | Applications: Energy harvesting and storage (2024) | |
11800 | Tlachenska, E. A., Ivanov, K. I., Nenova, M. V., | AI Algorithms Enhance Threat Detection and Reinforce Data Protection (2024) | |