Autors: Ivanova, M. S., Ivanova, T. I., Terzieva V. Title: Automating Assessment within Intelligent Education Keywords: deep learning, graphical objects assessment, image classification, intelligent assessment, intelligent educationAbstract: The evolution of intelligent education is an inevitable result of the digitalization of the education area, focusing on the teaching process, smart classroom functionalities, and engaging activities for students. This paper presents an overview of intelligent education while paying particular attention to intelligent assessment approaches. The role of semantic ontologies in intelligent education is outlined. The usage of systems of mapped ontologies, including fuzzy ontologies for intelligent assessment, is discussed. An innovative approach to an intelligent assessment of concept maps as graphical objects produced in students' laboratory practice through applying deep learning is presented and results from their evaluation are analyzed. References - Z. T. Zhu, M. H. Yu, and P. Riezebos, "A research framework of smart education, " Smart Learn. Environ. 3 (1), 4, Springer, 2016.
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