Autors: Iliev, I. G., Tudjarov K., Nachev, I. N., Petkov, P. J., Velchev, Y. S., Ilieva, A. I.
Title: Algorithms and Resources for the Monitoring of Very-Low-Frequency Signal Deviations Due to Solar Activity Using a Web-Based Software-Defined Radio-Distributed Network
Keywords: D-region, ionosphere, monitoring system, radio astronomy, SDR, SID, software-defined radio, solar activity monitoring, solar flare, very-low-frequency signals, VLF

Abstract: This work presents the development and testing of an experimental web-based SDR (software-defined radio) monitoring system for indirect solar activity detection, which has the ability to estimate and potentially predict various events in space and on earth, including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and geomagnetic storms. The proposed system can be used to investigate the effect of solar activity on the propagation of very-low-frequency (VLF) signals. The advantages and benefits of the given approach are as follows: increasing measurement accuracy and eventual solar activity identification by combining measurements from multiple spatially distributed SDRs. The verification process involves carrying out several experiments comparing data from the GOES satellite system and the Dunksin SuperSID system with information received by the SDR monitoring system. Then, utilizing Pearson correlation coefficients, the measured data from the SDRs, along with those from the GOES satellite system and the Dunsing monitoring station, are investigated. At the time of a solar flare, the correlation value is above 90% for most of the stations used. Combining the signal-to-noise ratio via summation also shows an improvement in the results, with a correlation above 98%.


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