Autors: Kotsilkova R., Georgiev V., Aleksandrova, M. P., Batakliev T., Ivanov E., Spinelli G., Tomov, R. T., Tsanev, T. D. Title: Improving Resistive Heating, Electrical and Thermal Properties of Graphene-Based Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Nanocomposites by Controlled 3D Printing Keywords: 3D printing, electrical performance, GNP/PVDF nanocomposite, resistive heating, thermal propertiesAbstract: This study developed a novel 3D-printable poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)-based nanocomposite incorporating 6 wt% graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) with programmable characteristics for resistive heating applications. The results highlighted the significant effect of a controlled printing direction (longitudinal, diagonal, and transverse) on the electrical, thermal, Joule heating, and thermo-resistive properties of the printed structures. The 6 wt% GNP/PVDF nanocomposite exhibited a high electrical conductivity of 112 S·m−1 when printed in a longitudinal direction, which decreased significantly in other directions. The Joule heating tests confirmed the material’s efficiency in resistive heating, with the maximum temperature reaching up to 65 °C under an applied low voltage of 2 V at a raster angle of printing of 0°, while the heating Tmax decreased stepwise with 10 °C at the 45° and the 90° printing directions. The repeatability of the Joule heating performance was verified through multiple heating and cooling cycles, demonstrating consistent maximum temperatures across several tests. The effect of sample thickness, controlled by the number of printed layers, was investigated, and the results underscore the advantages of programmable 3D printing orientation in thin layers for enhanced thermal stability, tailored electrical conductivity, and efficient Joule heating capabilities of 6 wt% GNP/PVDF composites, positioning them as promising candidates for next-generation 3D-printed electronic devices and self-heating applications. References - Brunelle M. Ferralli I. Whitsitt R. Medicus K. Current Use and Potential of Additive Manufacturing for Optical Applications SPIE Optifab Rochester, NY, USA 2017 10448 10.1117/12.2279824
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| Nanomaterials, vol. 14, pp. 1840, 2024, , |