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# Автор
10601 Arnaudov K., Karaivanov D., Dimitrov, L. V., Some practical problems of distribution and equalization of internal loads in planetary gear trains (2013)
10602 Petrov, D. G., Motion simulation of an overrunning clutch using CAD modeling (2024)
10603 Marinova, G. I., Tola, K. L., Innovations in a CEEPUS academic network and their impact on management effectiveness and research achievements (2024)
10604 Ibro, M. K., Marinova, G. I., FPGA Power Consumption Optimization Methods Analysis (2023)
10605 Ibro, M. K., Marinova, G. I., Web-based calculator tool for FPGA power consumption estimation for teaching purposes (2023)
10606 Tola, K. L., Marinova, G. I., Comparison and Rule-Based Implementation in IMA-NET of PHP Compression Functions (2023)
10607 Malaj, E. G., Marinova, G. I., Study of the secrecy in hardware logical encryption with multiple bit keys (2023)
10608 Malaj, E. G., Marinova, G. I., Effect of the Hardware Logical Encryption Type and Location on the Corruption Factor (2023)
10609 Hrischev, R. N., Stoykova, S. G., Modeling Workflows and Processes in the Cloud ERP Platform SAP BTP (2024)
10610 Hrischev, R. N., Dynamical modeling with Vensim PLE of the process of data collection in the ERP systems (2024)
10611 Kumar V., Singh H., Saxena K., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., A Deep Learning Based Model for Prediction of RF Wave Attenuation Due to Rain (2023)
10612 Singh H., Kumar V., Saxena K., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., ANN: A Deep Learning Model for Prediction of Radio Wave Attenuation Due to Clouds (2023)
10613 Kumar V., Singh H., Saxena K., Kapse V. M., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., Smart Channel Modelling for Rain Attenuation Using ML for Designing of 6G Networks at D and G Bands (2023)
10614 Pavlov, N. L., Dacova, D. I., Study the Launch Process and Acceleration of a Rear-Wheel Drive Electric Vehicle (2023)
10615 Bonev, B. G., Impact of Laser Beam Divergence on Power Design of Free Space Optics Communication Systems (2013)
10616 Patil S. M., Petkov, P. Z., Bonev, B. G., A prototype model design of wideband standard reference rod-dipole antenna for 3-axial EMC measurement with hybrid balun for 0.9 to 3.2GHz range (2018)
10617 Dermendzhiyski, Y. H., Dimanov, R., Pavlov, N. L., A Method and Equipment for Measuring Electrical Parameters of an Electric Vehicle (2023)
10618 Singh H., Kumar R., Bonev, B. G., Petkov, P. Z., Cloud Attenuation issues in Satellite Communications at millimeter Frequency Bands-State of Art (2017)
10619 Dacova, D. I., Angelov, M., Pavlov, N. L., Dermendzhiyski, Y. H., A Study on the Dynamics and Performance of Personal Watercraft Using GPS Data Acquisition System (2023)
10620 Nikolov, N. K., Shterev, V. A., Pavlov, N. L., Dacova, D. I., Creating Software for Automotive High Beam Assist System: A Case Study (2023)
10621 Dermendzhiyski, Y. H., Pavlov, N. L., Dacova, D. I., Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption Measurement Using GPS Data Logger (2023)
10622 Mihaylova, D. A., Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V., Iliev, G. L., Soynov, V. R., Statistical Evaluation of Classification Models for PCA Detection (2023)
10623 Marinov, C. M., Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V., Iliev, G. L., Performance Comparison and Analysis of AODV, DSDV and DSR Routing Protocols in VANET for Urban Scenario (2023)
10624 Bonev, B. G., Radkova Z., Dimcheva, L. D., Petkov, P. Z., Minkowski Fractal Yagi Antenna (2018)
10625 Тодорова, Е. А., Ценколовска, И. Н., Петкова, Р. А., Янчева-Попова, М. К., Колева, Д. С., Ръководство за упражнения и курсова работа по Инженерна графика (2023)
10626 Patil S. M., Petkov, P. Z., Bonev, B. G., A review on recent antenna designing techniques For electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test (2017)
10627 Pepedzhiev, D. P., Hristov, V. D., Software for image analysis and inspection of optical lens (2023)
10628 Miletiev, R. G., Mladenov, G. D., Yordanov, R. S., Saliev, D. N., Hristov, V. D., Road traffic analysis for management of the intelligent transport system (2023)
10629 Bonev, B. G., Petkov, P. Z., Spassova N., Modified Fractal Super J-pole Antenna (2016)
10630 Lozanov, Y. Y., Petleshkov, A. S., Tzvetkova, S. G., Assessment of the Quality of Electrical Energy in a Group of Buildings of the Internal Order Forces - A Case Study (2023)
10631 Tzvetkova, S. G., Lozanov, Y. Y., Petleshkov, A. S., Study of the faults in a photovoltaic power plant (2023)
10632 Lozanov, Y. Y., Tzvetkova, S. G., Petleshkov, A. S., Simulation modeling of microgrid with battery energy storage and fuel cells integration (2023)
10633 Malakov, I. K., Zaharinov, V. V., Classification and Mathematical Models of the Problems for Size Ranges Optimization of Technical Products (2023)
10634 Todorov, T. T., Todorov, G. D., Romanov, B. G., Validation of design and ergonomics of a protective mask by creating a silicone replication in a 3D printed mold tool (2023)
10635 Todorov, T. T., Todorov, G. D., Romanov, B. G., Validation of virtual complex polymer component through test measurements on physical prototype (2023)
10636 Todorov, T. T., Dimova, K. D., Kamberov, K. H., Validation of Virtual Prototyping through Test Measurements on Physical Prototype (2023)
10637 Nakov, P. O., Trifonov, R. I., Pavlova, G. V., Comparative Analysis of Web-Based Enterprise Solutions in the Field of Configuration Management Databases, IT Management and Business Process Management (2023)
10638 Nakov, P. O., Nakov, O. N., Kotov, G. Y., A Comprehensive Review of ITIL v4, TOGAF, ISO Standards, and the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle in the Era of Information Management and Business Process Management (2023)
10639 Lazarov, V. D., Daniel Roye., Димитър Спиров., Zarkov, Z. J., New control strategy for variable speed wind turbine with DC-DC converters (2010)
10640 Angelov, I. K., Short Circuits Through an Electric Arc for a Physical Model of AC Traction Networks (2023)
10641 Vetova, S. M., Workflow Design for Implementation of In-silico Experiments with Big Biomedical DataStreams (2023)
10642 Krastev, I., Vetova, S. M., Budakova, D., Protein Sequence Alignment Analysis Using "Biosequence Alignments" Database and Bioinformatics System (2023)
10643 Vetova, S. M., Lazarova, M. K., Biomedical Image Processing Workflow using Segmentation (2023)
10644 Pachedjieva, B. K., Grigorova, T. G., Investigation of the influence of the inertia of the photon counting system on the acceptance accuracy in photon counting mode (2024)
10645 Tzanova, A. I., Biogas Production Potential from Cultivated Bulgarian Mushrooms (2024)
10646 Tomov, P. K., Alexieva, J. A., A Conceptual Generalised Nets Model for Checking the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications (2022)
10647 Tabakov, S. D., Chuchulski I., I., Badarov, D. H., Tomchev, N. N., Multichannel Non-Contact System for Breathing Detection and Respiratory Rate Measurement Using Capacitive Electrodes (2023)
10648 Kirlov, L. A., Dobrilov, D. D., Omar, S. B., Antonov, A. M., Dimitrov, S. B., Residual overvoltage protection 59N Study of settings across leading protection relay manufactures (2023)
10649 Stanchev, P. A., Vacheva, G. I., Hinov, N. L., Evaluation and Measures for Improving the Energy Efficiency of Medium-Sized Enterprises (2023)
10650 Vacheva, G. I., Stanchev, P. A., Hinov, N. L., Review of Energy Management Systems for Small and Medium Enterprises (2023)