20 - 21 November 2025




Important dates


Invited papers

Author's Kit






The conference participants must register in the Telecom 2025 Management System on its website under the "Registration" menu from 04/18/2025 to 10/14/2025.
Paper Submission
After registration, the participants must save the full text papers in doc (docx) or pdf format on the conference website from the "Login" menu until 10/21/2025 (log in with email and password received after registration - menu "Registration").
Requirements for the preparing of the papers
The authors are invited to prepare papers in the indicated thematic areas.
The papers should include: title, authors' names, contact information, brief abstract, keywords, main body with clearly stated contributions and new results, and literature. Each paper will be reviewed by two reviewers.
Each author can participate in a maximum of two papers as a corresponding author and in one paper as a co-author.
The papers Type [1] should not exceed 4 pages including all tables, figures and references (A4, double column).
The authors can also submit papers in English Type [2], which will be published in the journal Electrotechnica & Electronica" (E+E) and will not be included in the IEEE Xplore library.
The authors can also send papers in Bulgarian Type [3], which will be published on a separate CD
 Telecom - 2025 Conference Proceedings, which will also include the presentations from the plenary sessions. The CD will be included in the National Library "St. Cyrill and Methodius".

Paper Submission
Here you can download the paper template in DOC format.

 Type [1] – by using IEEE template;

 Type [2] – by using Telecom template in English;

Type [3] – by using Telecom template in Bulgarian;

IEEE template must be used for preparing the full version of a paper Type [1] and after accepting and presentation during the conference sessions will be sent for publishing in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library after plagiarism checking and from there will be indexed in Scopus.
Telecom template in English should be used for preparation of the full version of a paper Type [2] and after accepting and presentation in conference sessions will be published in the journal "Electrotechnica & Electronica" (E+E).
Telecom template in Bulgarian should be used for preparation of the full version of a paper Type [3] and after accepting and presentation in conference sessions will be published in the CD Telecom - 2025 Conference Proceedings, , which will also include the presentations from the plenary sessions. The CD will be included in the National Library "St. Cyrill and Methodius".

Conference fee
Regular Fee before November 18, 2025:      200 EUR
Regular Fee after    November 18, 2025:      220 EUR
Student Fee before November 18, 2025:      100 EUR
Student Fee after    November 18, 2025:      110 EUR
IEEE Members Discount:  - 15 %
CEEC members have preferential fees.
The registration fee gives the right to participate in all conference sessions, printed abstracts of the papers, E+E journal with papers Type [2] and CD collection of the conference with the plenary presentations and papers Type [3], coffee breaks and banquet. The registration fee has to be paid for each accepted paper.
The registration fee entitles you to participate in all conference sessions, coffee breaks and the banquet, as well as to receive the prepared conference materials.
The student fee is paid when all authors of the paper are students and/or PhD student.

The registration fees should be paid by Bank transfer to the following Bank Account:
 Account holder:             CEEC Bulgaria
Account holder is:          Legal entity, registered with VAT BG831402827
Account holder address: 108 Rakovski St, 1000 Sofia, BULGARIA
Bank name:                    UniCredit Bulbank
Bank address:                 7 Sveta Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, BULGARIA
IBAN:                            BG75UNCR96601018862401
BIC or SWIFT:              UNCRBGSF
Reason for Payment:     Participant name, Telecom

Fully corrected papers
The authors must upload their fully cprrected papers after peer review by 11 November 2025. The pdf and doc files are uploaded as a zip archive to the conference website as the final version.
For the pdf file, IEEE PDF eXpress must be used, which is a free service for IEEE conferences that allows their authors to convert doc files to pdf. Only these pdf files are accepted in the IEEE Xplore library. The doc file is used for prepress preparation when necessary.

 IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to convert DOC files to PDFs.

 First-time IEEE PDF eXpress users should do the following:

  1. Go to the IEEE PDF eXpress site after October 28, 2025.
  2. Click the "Create account" link.
  3. Enter the following:
  • Conference ID:     
  • Email Address: your email addressConfirm Email Address: your email address
  • Choose a password: your password
An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
  1. Continue to enter information as prompted.
  2. Upload your DOC file to IEEE PDF eXpress and download the converted PDF version (in a couple of minutes).
  3. The new PDF file should contain the phrase "Certified by IEEE PDF eXpress at [date_and_time_of_conversion]" in the Document properties Application field
 Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
IEEE PDF eXpress is not a manuscript-collection system and does not replace the conference's submission system. Once authors verify that they have IEEE Xplore-compatible versions
of their manuscripts, they will still need to upload the files to the Conference Management System.
The papers that are not formatted according to the above templates and/or are not submitted by the deadline will not be published.
 The paper should be reported personally by one of the authors. For the oral presentations it is suggested to use MS PowerPoint. A multimedia projector is available.
The presentation is prepared using the template. The number in front of the paper title is taken from the final program. In 10-12 slides the presenter will speak briefly of the work in front of the audience for no more than 8-10 minutes. The presentation file must be submitted to the conference website no later than November 18, 2025.
One of the authors presents the paper personally. It is recommended to use POWER POINT for presenting the paper.

The working languages of the conference will be English and Bulgarian.
The conference will be held at the National Science and Technical Centre, 108 Rakovski Str., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Papers submission in the IEEE Library
The Telecom 2025 conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE. Corresponding authors of Type [1] papers must complete the IEEE publication (copyright) agreement on the conference website after acceptance of the paper. IEEE owns the copyright in Type [1] papers. When filling out the copyright agreement, the title of the paper and the names of all authors must be recorded accurately. Once it is filled out, no changes can be made.

Type [1] submitted papers will be checked for originality (plagiarism) by IEEE CrossCheck / iThenticate. If some of the papers not meet the requirements (similarity should be below 30%  and the similarity to a single source should not exceed 10%), the authors will receive the result of the check and will have the opportunity to make changes.
All accepted and submitted Type [1] papers will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library database and from there will be sent for indexing in Scopus.

Conducting the conference
The conference will be held as a hybrid event. For participants who have restrictions to attend the conference personally, opportunities for virtual presentation will be provided. The preferred mode of participation is in person to participate actively in the conference and in the associated events.
The hybrid holding of the conference requires all participants to prepare a presentation and present their papers orally.
Instructions for preparing the presentations and a template for them are presented above.



Last changed on 29.01.2025, 22:43:30
This page will be accessible until 20.04.2026
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Conference Management System © Technical University of Sofia 2012 - 2025.