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# Автор
4701 Koleva, P. H., Semov, P. T., Poulkov, V. K., Asenov, O., Layered routing algorithm for sustainable MANET operation (2016)
4702 Tonchev, K., Koleva, P. H., Manolova, A. H., Tsenov, G. T., Poulkov, V. K., Non-intrusive sleep analyzer for real time detection of sleep anomalies (2016)
4703 Nikolova, K. S., Ovcharov, M., Iliev, G. L., Poulkov, V. K., 2-bit word length Hilbert transformers for multicarrier communications (2016)
4704 Stoynov, V. R., Poulkov, V. K., Valkova-Jarvis, Z. V., Interference Management in LoRaWANs - Overview and Simulation Study (2018)
4705 Kostadinov G., Penyashki T., Petrzhik M., Kudryashov A., Kandeva, M. K., Elenov B., Dimitrova E., Mortev I., Elimination of Irregularities and Defects on Steel Surfaces Through Electro Spark Surface Modification with Aluminum Alloys (2020)
4706 Yordanov, P. S., Markov, D. G., Pichurov, G. T., Simova, I. S., Angelova, R. A., Logofetova S., Ivanov, M. P., Mijorski S., Integrated study on indoor environment impact on human performance, comfort and health, and effective energy utilization (2013)
4707 Иванов, М. П., Мотивация и планиране на числено изследване на параметрите на микроклимата в обитаемо помещение с неконтролируема, неорганизирана естествена вентилация (2012)
4708 Ivanov, M. P., Simova, I. S., Markov, D. G., Yordanov, P. S., Adjustment of the practical steps in the assessment of the indoor environment impact over occupant productivity and performance (2012)
4709 Kandeva, M. K., Yu. Rozhdestvensky., P. Svoboda., Zh. Kalitchin., E. Zadorozhnaya., Influence of the Size of Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles on the Abrasive Wear of Electroless Nickel Coatings. Part 2 (2020)
4710 S. Alaci., Zh. Kalitchin., Kandeva, M. K., F. C. Ciornei., Method and Device for the Study of Damping of Environmental Friendly Foam Type Materials (2020)
4711 I. Mukchortov., E. Zadorozhnaya., Kandeva, M. K., K. Yakunina., O. Dorokhova., Non-toxic Antiwear Additive for Food and Biodegradable Lubricants (2020)
4712 Yordanov, R. S., Miletiev, R. G., Kapanakov, P., Iontchev, E. I., Design of a portable system for sensor data acquisition and transmission (2017)
4713 Дочев, И. Н., Измервания в комуникациите (2019)
4714 Yordanov, R. S., Boyadjiev, S., Georgieva, V., Characterization of RF and DC magnetron reactive sputtered TiO2 thin films for gas sensors (2014)
4715 Yordanov, R. S., Boyadjiev, S., Georgieva, V., Vergov, L., Characterization of thin MoO3 films formed by RF and DC-magnetron reactive sputtering for gas sensor applications (2014)
4716 Kaleicheva, J. A., Karaguiozova, Z. K., Improvement of the Wear Resistance of Ferrous Alloys by Electroless Plating of Nickel (2018)
4717 Kandeva, M. K., N. Stoimenov., B. Popov., Zh. Kalitchin., V. Pozhidaeva., Abrasive Wear Resistance of Micro- and Nano-Diamond Particles (2020)
4718 Kandeva, M. K., T. Penyashki., G. Kostadinov., Zh. Kalichin., Abrasive and Erosion Wear of Composite NiCrSiB Coatings Inflicted with Subsonic Flammable Structure Through a Cold Process (2020)
4719 T. Penyashki., D. Radev., Kandeva, M. K., G. Kostadinov., Structural and Tribological Properties of Wear Resistant Coatings Obtained by Electrospark Deposition (2020)
4720 Vencl A., N. Vaxevanidis., Kandeva, M. K., A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Research on Tribology of Composites In Southeastern Europe (2020)
4721 V. Dyakova., Pl. Tashev., Kandeva, M. K., Study on the Effect of Nanosized Particles of Tin and SiC on the Wear Resistance, Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Overlay Weld Metal (2020)
4722 St. Alaci., L. Irimescu., F. Ciornei., Kandeva, M. K., Device and Method for Simultaneous Determination of Rolling and Spinning Friction in a Concentrated Contact (2020)
4723 Kandeva, M. K., Panov, I. T., Dochev, B. A., Abrasive Wear of A Hypereutectic Alloy AlSi18, Modified By Different Modifiers (2020)
4724 Kandeva, M. K., Panov, I. T., Dochev, B. A., Effects Of Nanomodifiers on The Wear Resistance of Aluminum-Silicon Alloy AlSI18 In Tribosystems In Case of Reversive Friction And Lubrication (2020)
4725 Dandanov, N. G., Semov, P. T., Ivanov, A. S., Christoff, N. V., Poulkov, V. K., Communication Framework for Tele-rehabilitation Systems with QoS Guarantee (2017)
4726 Tonchev, K., Tsenov, G. T., Mladenov, V. M., Manolova, A. H., Poulkov, V. K., Personalized and intelligent sleep lifestyle reasoner with web application for improving quality of sleep part of AAL architecture (2018)
4727 Tonchev, K., Velchev, Y. S., Koleva, P. H., Manolova, A. H., Balabanov, G. R., Poulkov, V. K., Implementation of daily functioning and habits building reasoner part of AAL architecture (2018)
4728 Balabanov, G. R., Tonchev, K., Koleva, P. H., Manolova, A. H., Poulkov, V. K., Cloud based service bricks architecture for ambient assisted living system (2015)
4729 Samal, S.R., Bandopadhaya, S., Pathy, A., Poulkov, V. K., Mihovska, A., An Energy Efficient Head Node Selection for Load Balancing in A Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (2018)
4730 Deshpande, V., Poulkov, V. K., Model to Improve Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Network (2020)
4731 Poulkov, V. K., Gavrilovska, L., Fratu, O., Introduction to special issue "intelligent telecommunication infrastructures and beyond" (2014)
4732 Т. Пеняшки., Г. Костадинов., Кандева-Иванова, М. К., Д. Радев., Електроискрово и газопламъчно напластяване. Възможности и приложения (2020)
4733 Kasabova, S. I., Gechev, M. T., Vasilev, V. G., Mihovska, A., Poulkov, V. K., Prasad, R., On Modeling the Psychology of Wireless Node Interactions in the Context of Internet of Things (2015)
4734 Кандева-Иванова, М. К., Динамика и трибология на машините, Част I: Динамика (2020)
4735 Кандева-Иванова, М. К., Динамика и трибология на машините, Част II: Трибология (2020)
4736 Yordanov, H. H., Poulkov, V. K., Russer, P., On-Chip Monolithic Integrated Antennas Using CMOS Ground Supply Planes (2016)
4737 Fratu, O., Pejanovic-Djurisic, M., Poulkov, V. K., Gavrilovska, L., Introduction to Special Issue “Current Trends in Information and Communications Technology” (2016)
4738 Semov, P. T., Poulkov, V. K., Mihovska, A., Prasad, R., Self-Resource Allocation and Scheduling Challenges for Heterogeneous Networks Deployment (2016)
4739 Ангелова, Й. С., Маламов, Д., Горчева Д., Резултати от анкетно проучване на фактори, влияещи на спецификата на битовото електропотребление (2019)
4740 Chaudhari, M., Koleva, P. H., Poulkov, V. K., Asenov, O., Multilayered Distributed Routing for Power Efficient MANET Performance (2017)
4741 Velchev, Y. S., Multi-lead ECG Compression Approach using Combination of Linear Transformations (2019)
4742 Киранов, С. К., Информатика - кратък курс (2019)
4743 Kyriazakos, S., Prasad, R., Mihovska, A., Pnevmatikakis, A., Akker, H. O. D., Hermens, H., Barone, P., Mamelli, A., Domenico, S. D., Pocs, M., Grguric, A., Mosmondor, M., Simunic, D., Kerner, A., Zaric, N., Pejanović-Djurišić, M., Poulkov, V. K., Tochev, K., Zechmann, B., Garschall, M., Angeletou, A., Bonassi, S., Infarinato, F., Fratou, O., Vulpe, A., Voicu, C., Gavrilovska, L., Atanasovski, V., eWALL: An Open-Source Cloud-Based eHealth Platform for Creating Home Caring Environments for Older Adults Living with Chronic Diseases or Frailty (2017)
4744 Trifonov, R. I., Nakov, O. N., Anguelov, A. H., Emerging and secured mobile ad-hoc wireless network (MANET) for swarm applications (2019)
4745 Pavlova, P. E., Applied Methodology for Dynamic Estimation of Visibility Parameters: Colors (2019)
4746 Semov, P. T., Al-Shatri, H., Tonchev, K., Poulkov, V. K., Klein, A., Implementation of Machine Learning for Autonomic Capabilities in Self-Organizing Heterogeneous Networks (2017)
4747 Cooklev, T., Poulkov, V. K., Bennett, D., Tonchev, K., Enabling RF data analytics services and applications via cloudification (2018)
4748 Ivanov, A. S., Mihovska, A., Tonchev, K., Poulkov, V. K., Real-time adaptive spectrum sensing for cyclostationary and energy detectors (2018)
4749 Ангелова, Й. С., Модел на борсов пазар на електрическа енергия (2019)
4750 Колев, С. В., Начев, И. Н., Карипжанова A., Курманбаев E., Ахметгалым T., Илиев, И. Г., Приложение на малки спътници за изследване на горски насаждения (2020)