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# Автор
9951 Dimova, D. P., Dochev, B. A., Panov, I. T., Kandeva, M. K., Investigation of the effect of heat treatment on the microhardness and wear resistance of an alloy АlSi18Cu3CrMn (2023)
9952 Kasabov, P. P., Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P., Zagorski, M. H., Kamburova G. Y., Investigation of the microgeometry of the surfaces of АlSi25Cu4Cr and АlSi25Cu5Cr alloys after turning (2023)
9953 Aleksandrova, M. P., Tomov, R. T., Education and training through research in fabrication of micro- and nanosystems at the Technical University of Sofia (2023)
9954 Aleksandrova, M. P., Tomov, R. T., Mateev, V. M., Iliev, I. T., Spray Deposition of Conjugated Polymer/Graphene Ink as an Electrode in Chemical Biosensing Devices (2023)
9955 Tomov, R. T., Aleksandrova, M. P., Overview of the Metallization Approaches for Carbyne-Based Devices (2023)
9956 P. Oikonomou, At. Botsialas, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, I. Raptis., Aleksandrova, M. P., Tsanev, T. D., Kolev, G. D., Andreev, S. T., A. Brigadin., Thin carbyne-enriched nano-coatings as sensing layers for capacitive and optical sensors (2023)
9957 Pooja B. More, Sanjay B. Bansode., Aleksandrova, M. P., Sandesh R. Jadkar, and Habib M. Pathan., Synthesis of ZnO Thin Films Using Chemical Bath and Investigation of Physicochemical Properties (2023)
9958 Aleksandrova, M. P., Tsanev, T. D., Berek Kadikoff, Dimiter Alexandrov., Nedelchev, K. I., Kralov, I. M., Piezoelectric elements with PVDF-TrFE/MWCNT aligned composite nanowires for energy harvesting applications (2023)
9959 Tomov, R. T., Aleksandrova, M. P., Metallization and bonding approach for carbyne nanomaterial (2023)
9960 Tzaneva, B. R., Aleksandrova, M. P., Mateev, V. M., Stefanov, B. I., Iliev, I. T., Electrochemical Properties of PEDOT:PSS/Graphene Conductive Layers in Artificial Sweat (2023)
9961 Radhamanohar Aepuru., Aleksandrova, M. P., Vishwajit M Gaikwad, A Sathiya Priya, Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Krishnamoorthy Shanmugaraj and R V Mangalaraja., An introduction to the role of materials in the energy–environment nexus (2023)
9962 Petrov, P. P., Kralov, I. M., Kinematic modeling, steering control and simulation of a mechanically coupled car-like vehicle platoon (2023)
9963 Dimitrova, R. K., Dimitrov, S. B., Totev, D. K., Bahchevanov, B. A., Electrical Control, Program Code and Experimental Studies of the Gauss Curve in a Specialized Automated Mechatronic System (2023)
9964 Nikolov, R. F., Doltchinkova, V., Kitanova, M., Stoyanova-Ivanova, A., Petkov, O., Dikova, Y., Vitkova. V., Erythrocyte Membrane Biophysical Changes mediated by Pooled Immunoglobulin G and Hematin: Electrokinetic and Lipid Peroxidation Studies (2023)
9965 Ivanova, M. S., Deep Learning at Behavioral Analysis of Analog Amplifiers with Negative Feedback (2024)
9966 Radhamanohar Aepuru., Aleksandrova, M. P., Ch. N. Rao, Sanjay Sahare, A. Dennyson Savariraj, Ramalinga Viswanathan Mangalaraja., Transparent conducting electrode materials for solar cell technologies (2021)
9967 Nikolov, R. F., Doltchinkova, V., Lozanova, S., Rukova, B., Ivanova, E., Roumenin, Ch., Electrokinetic properties of healthy and β-thalassemia erythrocyte membranes under in vitro exposure to static magnetic field (2023)
9968 Петров, И. А., Кръстев, Н. Й., Лабораторна инсталация за изследване на аеродинамичните параметри на инжектирана завъртяна струя (2024)
9969 Gramenova-Angelova, M. V., Slavcheva, Y. T., Ivanova, M. S., Petrov, I. S., Georgiev, S. G., Rosen Hristov., Mathematical Modeling of Forces and Moments Operating on the Elements of Automotive Suspension (2023)
9970 Ivanova, M. S., D Ivanov., Gramenova-Angelova, M. V., Krastev, A. H., Model of Kinematic Parameters during Motor-Vehicle Acceleration (2023)
9971 Граменова, М. В., Иванова, М. С., Изследване на методики за математично моделиране на характеристики на автомобилни двигатели (2023)
9972 Karapetkov, S. M., Uzunov, H. V., Dechkova, S. V., Uzunov, V. H., Solving Cauchy prob-lem for modelling the dynamics of vehicle-fixed barrier collisions by the finite element method and the ef-fect of forces of iner-tia on passengers (2023)
9973 Uzunov, H. V., Dechkova, S. V., Uzunov, V. H., Critical speed in pe-destrians’ relative motion regarding lim-ited visibility zone from driver seat (2023)
9974 Dechkova, S. V., Еlastic properties of tyres affecting car comfort, driving and riding (2023)
9975 Karapetkov, S. M., Uzunov, H. V., Dechkova, S. V., Uzunov, V. H., Impact of Inertial Forces on Car Occupants in a Vehicle-Fixed Barrier Front Crash (2023)
9976 Миленов, В. А., Томов, П. К., Митова, М. П., Димов, Д. С., Иновационен Европейски Технологичен Университет INNO EUt+ (2023)
9977 P, K. S., Svecshtarov V., Nencheva-Sveshtarova S., Management of Pain Symptoms and Contractures in Patients with Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders and Psychosocial Comorbidities Using Gaalas Phototherapy (2023)
9978 Prodanova, K. S., Svecshtarov, V., Nencheva-Sveshtarova, S., . Management of Pain Symptoms and Contractures in Patients with Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders and Psychosocial Comorbidities Using Gaalas Phototherapy (2023)
9979 Yurukova, N., Prodanova, K. S., Predicative factors for severe Covid-19 in liver transplant recipients at a single center in Bulgaria (2023)
9980 Vitliyanova, K., Negreva, M., Joncheva, I., Prodanova, K. S., Relationship between Echocardiographic Characteristics and NT-proBNP in Patients with Dual Chamber Pacemaker: A Prospective Follow up Study (2023)
9981 Янева, С. Ц., Митова, М. П., Ученически олимпиади. Изисквания и особености в процеса на организиране и провеждане (2023)
9982 Митова, М. П., Янева, С. Ц., Анализ на резултатите oт националната ученическа олимпиада по техническо чертане за периода 2017-2023 година (2023)
9983 Rachev, S., Dimitrova, K. Y., Dimitrov, L., Study on behaviour of centrifugal pump driven by medium-voltage induction motor during operation control (2023)
9984 Petrov, N. I., Dimitrova, K. Y., Zhelyazkov, Y. K., Dialectic on Principles of Reliability (2023)
9985 Zhelyazkov, Y. K., Dimitrova, K. Y., Research Of Digital Communication System With QPSK Modulation (2023)
9986 Stoyanov, L. S., Draganovska I. Y., Comparison of Hybrid Models for PV Power Output Forecasting - Application to Oryahovo, Bulgaria (2023)
9987 Янева, С. Ц., Николова, В., Изследване на функционалните характеристики на полевите камуфлажни облекла. Условия на средата, обект и метод на изследването (2023)
9988 Янева, С. Ц., Николова, В., Изследване на функционалните характеристики на полевите камуфлажни облекла. Методика за обработка и анализ на анкетни карти (2023)
9989 Georgieva, D. S., Ilieva, B. P., Yaneva, S. C., Nikolova, I. C., Features quality assessment safety and functional purpose of machines (2015)
9990 Angelova, R. A., Velichkova, R. T., Alexandrova S., Environmental Impact of Quarry Activities: the Case Study of a Gneiss Deposit in the Region of Blagoevgrad (2020)
9991 Pencheva, E. N., Asenov, I. P., Atanasov, I. I., Access and Mobility Policy Control at the Network Edge (2019)
9992 Pencheva, E. N., Atanasov, I. I., Trifonov, V. G., Idеntity Мanagement in Future Railway Mobile Communication System (2022)
9993 Pencheva, E. N., Atanasov, I. I., Trifonov, V. G., Tоwards Intelligent, Programmable, and Open Railway Networks (2022)
9994 Pencheva, E. N., Atanasov, I. I., Toward Programmability of Radio Resource Control Based on O-RAN (2022)
9995 Atanasov, I. I., Pencheva, E. N., Multimedia Conferencing at the Network Edge (2022)
9996 Dimitrova, R. V., Are AI-Assisted Works Copyrightable? (2023)
9997 Dimitrova, R. V., Liability Associated with AI Systems under the Bulgarian Criminal Code: Requirements, Approaches and Proposals (2023)
9998 Kiskinov, H., Madamlieva, E. B., Veselinova, M., Zahariev, A., On variation of constant formulae for linear fractional delayed system with Lebesgue integrable initial conditions (2023)
9999 Tarulli, M. D., Venkov, G. P., On a Generalized Gagliardo–Nirenberg Inequality with Radial Symmetry and Decaying Potentials (2024)