9951 | Dimova, D. P., Dochev, B. A., Panov, I. T., Kandeva, M. K., | Investigation of the effect of heat treatment on the microhardness and wear resistance of an alloy АlSi18Cu3CrMn (2023) | |
9952 | Kasabov, P. P., Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P., Zagorski, M. H., Kamburova G. Y., | Investigation of the microgeometry of the surfaces of АlSi25Cu4Cr and АlSi25Cu5Cr alloys after turning (2023) | |
9953 | Aleksandrova, M. P., Tomov, R. T., | Education and training through research in fabrication of micro- and nanosystems at the Technical University of Sofia (2023) | |
9954 | Aleksandrova, M. P., Tomov, R. T., Mateev, V. M., Iliev, I. T., | Spray Deposition of Conjugated Polymer/Graphene Ink as an Electrode in Chemical Biosensing Devices (2023) | |
9955 | Tomov, R. T., Aleksandrova, M. P., | Overview of the Metallization Approaches for Carbyne-Based Devices (2023) | |
9956 | P. Oikonomou, At. Botsialas, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, I. Raptis., Aleksandrova, M. P., Tsanev, T. D., Kolev, G. D., Andreev, S. T., A. Brigadin., | Thin carbyne-enriched nano-coatings as sensing layers for capacitive and optical sensors (2023) | |
9957 | Pooja B. More, Sanjay B. Bansode., Aleksandrova, M. P., Sandesh R. Jadkar, and Habib M. Pathan., | Synthesis of ZnO Thin Films Using Chemical Bath and Investigation of Physicochemical Properties (2023) | |
9958 | Aleksandrova, M. P., Tsanev, T. D., Berek Kadikoff, Dimiter Alexandrov., Nedelchev, K. I., Kralov, I. M., | Piezoelectric elements with PVDF-TrFE/MWCNT aligned composite nanowires for energy harvesting applications (2023) | |
9959 | Tomov, R. T., Aleksandrova, M. P., | Metallization and bonding approach for carbyne nanomaterial (2023) | |
9960 | Tzaneva, B. R., Aleksandrova, M. P., Mateev, V. M., Stefanov, B. I., Iliev, I. T., | Electrochemical Properties of PEDOT:PSS/Graphene Conductive Layers in Artificial Sweat (2023) | |
9961 | Radhamanohar Aepuru., Aleksandrova, M. P., Vishwajit M Gaikwad, A Sathiya Priya, Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Krishnamoorthy Shanmugaraj and R V Mangalaraja., | An introduction to the role of materials in the energy–environment nexus (2023) | |
9962 | Petrov, P. P., Kralov, I. M., | Kinematic modeling, steering control and simulation of a mechanically coupled car-like vehicle platoon (2023) | |
9963 | Dimitrova, R. K., Dimitrov, S. B., Totev, D. K., Bahchevanov, B. A., | Electrical Control, Program Code and Experimental Studies of the Gauss Curve in a Specialized Automated Mechatronic System (2023) | |
9964 | Nikolov, R. F., Doltchinkova, V., Kitanova, M., Stoyanova-Ivanova, A., Petkov, O., Dikova, Y., Vitkova. V., | Erythrocyte Membrane Biophysical Changes mediated by Pooled Immunoglobulin G and Hematin: Electrokinetic and Lipid Peroxidation Studies (2023) | |
9965 | Ivanova, M. S., | Deep Learning at Behavioral Analysis of Analog Amplifiers with Negative Feedback (2024) | |
9966 | Radhamanohar Aepuru., Aleksandrova, M. P., Ch. N. Rao, Sanjay Sahare, A. Dennyson Savariraj, Ramalinga Viswanathan Mangalaraja., | Transparent conducting electrode materials for solar cell technologies (2021) | |
9967 | Nikolov, R. F., Doltchinkova, V., Lozanova, S., Rukova, B., Ivanova, E., Roumenin, Ch., | Electrokinetic properties of healthy and β-thalassemia erythrocyte membranes under in vitro exposure to static magnetic field (2023) | |
9968 | Петров, И. А., Кръстев, Н. Й., | Лабораторна инсталация за изследване на аеродинамичните параметри на инжектирана завъртяна струя (2024) | |
9969 | Gramenova-Angelova, M. V., Slavcheva, Y. T., Ivanova, M. S., Petrov, I. S., Georgiev, S. G., Rosen Hristov., | Mathematical Modeling of Forces and Moments Operating on the Elements of Automotive Suspension (2023) | |
9970 | Ivanova, M. S., D Ivanov., Gramenova-Angelova, M. V., Krastev, A. H., | Model of Kinematic Parameters during Motor-Vehicle Acceleration (2023) | |
9971 | Граменова, М. В., Иванова, М. С., | Изследване на методики за математично моделиране на характеристики на автомобилни двигатели (2023) | |
9972 | Karapetkov, S. M., Uzunov, H. V., Dechkova, S. V., Uzunov, V. H., | Solving Cauchy prob-lem for modelling the dynamics of vehicle-fixed barrier collisions by the finite element method and the ef-fect of forces of iner-tia on passengers (2023) | |
9973 | Uzunov, H. V., Dechkova, S. V., Uzunov, V. H., | Critical speed in pe-destrians’ relative motion regarding lim-ited visibility zone from driver seat (2023) | |
9974 | Dechkova, S. V., | Еlastic properties of tyres affecting car comfort, driving and riding (2023) | |
9975 | Karapetkov, S. M., Uzunov, H. V., Dechkova, S. V., Uzunov, V. H., | Impact of Inertial Forces on Car Occupants in a Vehicle-Fixed Barrier Front Crash (2023) | |
9976 | Миленов, В. А., Томов, П. К., Митова, М. П., Димов, Д. С., | Иновационен Европейски Технологичен Университет INNO EUt+ (2023) | |
9977 | P, K. S., Svecshtarov V., Nencheva-Sveshtarova S., | Management of Pain Symptoms and Contractures in Patients with Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders and Psychosocial Comorbidities Using Gaalas Phototherapy (2023) | |
9978 | Prodanova, K. S., Svecshtarov, V., Nencheva-Sveshtarova, S., | . Management of Pain Symptoms and Contractures in Patients with Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders and Psychosocial Comorbidities Using Gaalas Phototherapy (2023) | |
9979 | Yurukova, N., Prodanova, K. S., | Predicative factors for severe Covid-19 in liver transplant recipients at a single center in Bulgaria (2023) | |
9980 | Vitliyanova, K., Negreva, M., Joncheva, I., Prodanova, K. S., | Relationship between Echocardiographic Characteristics and NT-proBNP in Patients with Dual Chamber Pacemaker: A Prospective Follow up Study (2023) | |
9981 | Янева, С. Ц., Митова, М. П., | Ученически олимпиади. Изисквания и особености в процеса на организиране и провеждане (2023) | |
9982 | Митова, М. П., Янева, С. Ц., | Анализ на резултатите oт националната ученическа олимпиада по техническо чертане за периода 2017-2023 година (2023) | |
9983 | Rachev, S., Dimitrova, K. Y., Dimitrov, L., | Study on behaviour of centrifugal pump driven by medium-voltage induction motor during operation control (2023) | |
9984 | Petrov, N. I., Dimitrova, K. Y., Zhelyazkov, Y. K., | Dialectic on Principles of Reliability (2023) | |
9985 | Zhelyazkov, Y. K., Dimitrova, K. Y., | Research Of Digital Communication System With QPSK Modulation (2023) | |
9986 | Stoyanov, L. S., Draganovska I. Y., | Comparison of Hybrid Models for PV Power Output Forecasting - Application to Oryahovo, Bulgaria (2023) | |
9987 | Янева, С. Ц., Николова, В., | Изследване на функционалните характеристики на полевите камуфлажни облекла. Условия на средата, обект и метод на изследването (2023) | |
9988 | Янева, С. Ц., Николова, В., | Изследване на функционалните характеристики на полевите камуфлажни облекла. Методика за обработка и анализ на анкетни карти (2023) | |
9989 | Georgieva, D. S., Ilieva, B. P., Yaneva, S. C., Nikolova, I. C., | Features quality assessment safety and functional purpose of machines (2015) | |
9990 | Angelova, R. A., Velichkova, R. T., Alexandrova S., | Environmental Impact of Quarry Activities: the Case Study of a Gneiss Deposit in the Region of Blagoevgrad (2020) | |
9991 | Pencheva, E. N., Asenov, I. P., Atanasov, I. I., | Access and Mobility Policy Control at the Network Edge (2019) | |
9992 | Pencheva, E. N., Atanasov, I. I., Trifonov, V. G., | Idеntity Мanagement in Future Railway Mobile Communication System (2022) | |
9993 | Pencheva, E. N., Atanasov, I. I., Trifonov, V. G., | Tоwards Intelligent, Programmable, and Open Railway Networks (2022) | |
9994 | Pencheva, E. N., Atanasov, I. I., | Toward Programmability of Radio Resource Control Based on O-RAN (2022) | |
9995 | Atanasov, I. I., Pencheva, E. N., | Multimedia Conferencing at the Network Edge (2022) | |
9996 | Dimitrova, R. V., | Are AI-Assisted Works Copyrightable? (2023) | |
9997 | Dimitrova, R. V., | Liability Associated with AI Systems under the Bulgarian Criminal Code: Requirements, Approaches and Proposals (2023) | |
9998 | Kiskinov, H., Madamlieva, E. B., Veselinova, M., Zahariev, A., | On variation of constant formulae for linear fractional delayed system with Lebesgue integrable initial conditions (2023) | |
9999 | Tarulli, M. D., Venkov, G. P., | On a Generalized Gagliardo–Nirenberg Inequality with Radial Symmetry and Decaying Potentials (2024) | |