9901 | Yordanova, S. T., Slavov, M. N., Stoitseva-Delicheva, D. R., | Load-bound Fuzzy Logic Control of an Industrial Nonlinear Plant (2023) | |
9902 | Arabadzhiev, T. N., Uzunov, I. M., | The influence of the nonlinear gain on the Raman stationary solutions of the complex cubic–quintic Ginzburg–Landau equation (2023) | |
9903 | Trendafilov, I. T., Gancheva, V. S., | Hassenstein-Reichardt Detector Using Controllable Single Pulse Time-Delay Circuit for Neuromorphic Hardware (2023) | |
9904 | Gancheva, V. S., I. Georgiev., | A Scalable Healthcare Data Science Framework Based on Service-Oriented Architecture (2023) | |
9905 | Gancheva, V. S., | Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Software Anomaly Detection (2023) | |
9906 | Стамов, Г. Т., Stamova I., Cao J., Стамов, Т. Г., | Impulsive Controllers Design for the Practical Stability Analysis of Gene Regulatory Networks with Distributed Delays (2023) | |
9907 | Стамов, Т. Г., Стамов, Г. Т., Stamova I., | Lipschitz Quasistability of Impulsive Cohen–Grossberg Neural Network Models with Delays and Reaction-Diffusion Terms (2023) | |
9908 | Стамов, Т. Г., Стамов, Г. Т., Stamova I., Господинова-Захариева, Е. А., | Lyapunov approach to manifolds stability for impulsive Cohen–Grossberg-type conformable neural network models (2023) | |
9909 | Стамов, Т. Г., Стамов, Г. Т., Stamova I., | Fractional-Order Impulsive Delayed Reaction-Diffusion Gene Regulatory Networks: Almost Periodic Solutions (2023) | |
9910 | Atanasov, V. T., Stoilov, D. G., | Study on Carbon Emissions Born During the Life Cycle of Distribution Transformers (2023) | |
9911 | Mladenova, M. D., Stoilov, D. G., Stanev, R. H., | Challenges and Effects of High Penetration of Variable Renewable Energy Resources: Insights for the Bulgarian Power Market (2023) | |
9912 | Botev, M. K., Altaparmakov, I. L., Atanasov, V. T., Stoilov, D. G., | Mathematical model for balancing of active electric distribution networks (2023) | |
9913 | Atanasov, V. T., Stoilov, D. G., Angelov, K. P., | Issues with flicker detection and elimination for power distribution networks in Bulgaria (2023) | |
9914 | Miletiev, R. G., Yordanov, R. S., Damyanov, I. S., | AQI monitoring system for intelligent transport systems (2023) | |
9915 | Miletiev, R. G., Yordanov, R. S., E. Iontchev., Damyanov, I. S., | Real-time online measurement of automotive pollution emissions (2023) | |
9916 | Дзивев, В., Гинчев, Д. Г., | Концепция за изграждане, ползване и развитие на формация от безпилотни летателни апарати за военни и граждански дейности (описание и реализация) (2023) | |
9917 | Дзивев, В., Гинчев, Д. Г., | Концепция за изграждане, ползване и развитие на формация от безпилотни летателни апарати за военни и граждански дейности (използване и преимущества) (2023) | |
9918 | Kamarska, K. V., | Citric acid as an eco-friendly inhibitor for aluminum alloy EN AW-2024 corrosion in acidic medium (2023) | |
9919 | Kamarska, K. V., | Investigation of vitamin C as environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor of aluminum alloy (2023) | |
9920 | Камарска, К. В., | Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по химия. (2023) | |
9921 | Georgiev Y., Ognyanov M., Temkov M., Nakov, G. N., | Dynamic changes in polyphenols, free carbohydrates, and antioxidant activity during germination of wheat and barley for preparation of malt flour (2023) | |
9922 | Gourov N,., Slavov, V. D., Gourova E., | Challenges for Faculty of Automatics in research and innovation (2009) | |
9923 | Ivanova, T. I., Spasova, N. V., Radoyska P G., | Flexible simulation e-learning environment for studying digital circuits and possibilities for it deployment as semantic web service (2011) | |
9925 | Ivanova, T. I., | Collaborative methodology for semantic modeling of learning domain knowledge (2023) | |
9926 | Ivanova, T. I., | Semi-automatic ontology development for supporting personalized tutoring (2023) | |
9927 | Ivanova, T. I., | Knowledge-Based Semi-Automatic Selection of Personalized Learning Paths (2023) | |
9928 | Ivanova, T. I., | Semantics-Based Knowledge Representation and Personalized Learning Content Development (2023) | |
9929 | Ivanova, T. I., | A multi-agent architecture for learning paths-based personalized e-learning systems (2023) | |
9930 | Иванова, Т. И., | Уеб технологии, моделиране и обработка на знания (2023) | |
9931 | Иванова, Т. И., | Онтологично моделиране и използването му за персонализирано и адаптивно електронно обучение (2023) | |
9932 | Draganov, I. R., Gancheva, V. S., | Optimizing the Non-local Means Filtering of CT Images (2023) | |
9933 | Терзиев, А. К., Щерев Н. Х., Иванов, М. П., Милушева П. Д., | „Система за оценка на иновативни технологии в производството на текстил и облекла и разработването на процесна карта за успешното им въвеждане в експлоатация“ (2023) | |
9934 | Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., | Equivalent Transformations of a Cube-like Passive Linear Оne-port Networks with Equal Impedances in their Branches (2023) | |
9935 | Cherneva G P., Filipova-Petrakieva, S. K., | Numerical Study on the Electrical Circuit, Presented by Duffing’s Equation (2023) | |
9936 | Ivanov, M. P., | Fluid Mechanics - Set of protocols for laboratory exercises (2023) | |
9937 | Paneva-Konovska, J. D., | Prabhakar functions of Le Roy type: Inequalities and asymptotic formulae (2023) | |
9938 | Paneva-Konovska, J. D., | Prabhakar function of Le Roy type: A set of results in the complex plane (2023) | |
9939 | Paneva-Konovska, J. D., | On some estimates and asymptotic formulae in the class of multi-index Mittag-Leffler functions (2023) | |
9940 | Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Deif, S. A., | On some relations in the class of multi-index Mittag-Leffler functions (2023) | |
9941 | Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Kiryakova, V., Rogosin, S., Dubatovskaya, M., | Laplace transform (Part 1) of the multi-index Mittag-Leffler-Prabhakar functions of Le Roy type (2023) | |
9942 | Kiryakova, V., Paneva-Konovska, J. D., Rogosin, S., Dubatovskaya, M., | Erdelyi-Kober fractional integrals (Part 2) of the multi-index Mittag-Leffler-Prabhakar functions of Le Roy type (2023) | |
9943 | Stoynov, Y. D., | Fundamental solution for functionally graded Magneto-Electro-Elastic plane (2023) | |
9944 | Stoynov, Y. D., Rangelov,T.,V., | Inverse scattering problems for cracked piezoelectric media (2013) | |
9945 | Pichurov, G. T., | Indices for ventilation efficiency and their numerical computation (2023) | |
9946 | Angelova, Y. S., Radonov, R. I., Kuzmov, V. Y., S. Z. Derelieva-Konstantinova., | Development Of A Common Information System to Create a Digital Career Center Together with Partner Higher Schools (2023) | |
9947 | Venkov, G. P., Tarulli, M. D., Elena Nikolova., | On the Well-Posedness for The Complex Ginzburg–Landau Equation on the Product Manifold R^d X T (2023) | |
9948 | Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P., | Study of the structure and mechanical properties of test bodies from alloy AlCu4Mg2 after plastic deformation (2023) | |
9949 | Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P., Panov, I. T., | Investigating the possibility of alloying an alloy AlSi25Cu5Cr with Co, Cr and Mo Using Metal Powder (2023) | |
9950 | Kandeva, M. K., Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P., Zagorski, M. H., Kasabov, P. P., Panov, I. T., | Investigation of the wear of aluminium-silicon alloys tribosystems under reversible friction with lubrication (2023) | |