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# Автор
8051 Чакъров, T. Н., Обретенов, В. С., Илиев, Р. С., Хибриден вентилатор (2015)
8052 Обретенов, В. С., Илиев, Р. С., Нова моделна вятърна турбина с вертикална ос (2018)
8053 Обретенов, В. С., Илиев, Р. С., Опитно изследване на работни колела на вятърна турбина тип Дариус (2019)
8054 Romansky, R. P., Evaluation of Experimental Data from Monitoring and Simulation of Network Communication Parameters (2022)
8055 Stefanov, I. Z., Confronting models for the high-frequency QPOs with Lense–Thirring precession (2014)
8056 Popov, V. L., Ahmed, S. A., Topalov, A. V., Shakev, N. G., Development of Mobile Robot Target Recognition and Following Behaviour Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network and 2D Range Data (2018)
8057 Tzanova, S. S., Curriculum and Training Development in the METIS project (2021)
8058 Tzanova, S. S., Innovative teaching on photovoltaic generation (2020)
8059 Tzanova, S. S., E-learning of Electrical Engineering Subjects in the Context of the EU-Mong Educational Project (2020)
8060 Ciocia A., Di Leo P., Malgaroli G., Russo A., Spertino F., Tzanova, S. S., Innovative Laboratories for Teaching on Photovoltaic Generation in Higher Education (2020)
8061 Tzaneva, B. R., Videkov, V. H., Bankova A., Mitov M., Dobrev D., Formation of oxide films on a curved aluminium surface upon anodic oxidation (2022)
8062 Ciocia A., Amato A., leo P.D., Fichera S., Malgaroli G., Spertino F., Tzanova, S. S., Self-Consumption and Self-Sufficiency in Photovoltaic Systems: Effect of Grid Limitation and Storage Installation (2021)
8063 Plaza P., Castro M., Sancristobal E., Orduna P., Tzanova, S. S., Promoting Microelectronic Through Remote Laboratories (2022)
8064 Nedelchev, M. N., Single-feed Comer Truncated Microstrip Circularly Polarized Antenna CAD Design (2022)
8065 Zhmud V., Dimitrov, L. V., Using the Fractional Differential Equation for the Control of Objects with Delay (2022)
8066 Nikolova, I. D., Lemu H G., Dahterova, D. S., Ivanov, V. D., Comparative study of PROMETHEE II and RAZOR methods for multi-criteria optimization of electromechanical modules (2018)
8067 Hristov, V. P., Hristov A., Optimizing Packet Transmission Mechanism with Multipath Technologies (2022)
8068 Vasileva, A. L., Durakova, A., Petrova, T., Choroleeva, K., Moisture sorption characteristics of white mulberry (Morus Alba) as a natural alternative to sugar (2022)
8069 Karakolev, R. G., Dimitrov, L. V., Investigation of Low to Medium Load Operating Regimes for Roller Bearings in Heavy Industrial Equipment (2022)
8070 Mihov, G. S., Badarov, D. H., Band-stop Filter Tuning for Power-line Interference Rejection in ECG Signals (2021)
8071 Badarov, D. H., Mihov, G. S., FPGA Implementation of All Digital Phase Locked Loop for ADC Synchronization with the Mains Frequency (2021)
8072 Mihov, G. S., Badarov, D. H., Combined Filter for Rejection of 1st and 3rd Powerline Interference Harmonic from ECG signals (2021)
8073 Янева, С. Ц., Николова В., Материали използвани за бронеплочи. Балисртична устойчивост на бронеплочите (2022)
8074 Naydenova, I. I., Petrova, T. S., Sandov, O. L., Ricardo Ferreira., Velichkova, R. T., Mario Costa., Characteristics of Ultrafine PM Emitted During Gazification of Biomass (2020)
8076 Iliev I., Beloev I., Kamburova V., Terziev, A. K., Experimental Validation Data for CFD of Heat Transfer Processes in a New Thermosyphon Heat Exchanger (2017)
8077 Zlateva P., Terziev, A. K., Yordanov K., Study of regime parameters of the fermenter in the production of biogas from animal liquid waste materials (2021)
8078 Slavov, D. V., Hristov, V. D., 3D Machine Vision System for Defect Inspection and Robot Guidance (2022)
8079 Dimitrov, E. T., Gigov, B. I., Pantchev, S. E., Michaylov, P. I., Peychev, M. H., A study of hydrogen fuel impact on compression ignition (2018)
8080 Колибаров, Д. С., Оптимизиране на нормативни изисквания и процедури при проектиране и експлоатация на летателна площадка (2021)
8081 Колибаров, Д. С., Актуални перспективи и възможности за използване на БЛС в системата за национална сигурност (2021)
8082 Христов, А. В., Трифонов, Р. И., Система за симулиране на кибератаки и събиране на данни за мрежовия трафик, натоварването на процесора и паметта (2022)
8083 Zhmud V., Dimitrov, L. V., Sablina G., Roth H., Nosek J., Hardt W., ON THE EXPEDIENCY AND POSSIBILITIES OF APPROXIMATING A PURE DELAY LINK (2022)
8084 Inoilov A., Zhmud V., Trubin V., Dimitrov, L. V., Detection of unrevealed non-linearities in the layout of the balancing robot (2016)
8085 Zhmud V., Sablina G., Dimitrov, L. V., Trubin V., The use of bypass channel for feedback control of oscillatory object well-known as difficult one for control (2016)
8086 Kobilarov, R. G., Statistical analysis of content of Cs-137 in soils in Bansko-Razlog region (2014)
8087 Kobilarov, R. G., Spatial distribution of gamma-emitting radionuclides in soils in Bansko-Razlog region (2016)
8088 Zlateva, P. I., Wörterbuch zur Lexikographie und Wörterbuchforschung / Band 3 I-U (2020)
8089 Zlateva, P. I., Wörterbuch zur Lexikographie und Wörterbuchforschung Band 4 V-Z : Nachträge und Gesamtregister A-H/Symbolverzeichnis/Wörterbuchbasis = V-Z : supplements and index A-H/List of symbols/Dictionary basis index A-H/List of symbols/Dictionary basis (2020)
8090 Zlateva, P. I., Substantive mit regierter Präposition im Deutschen als Stolperfalle für deutschlernende Bulgar*innen (2022)
8091 Zlateva, P. I., Bindungsstärke zwischen Rektionssubstantiv und regierter Präposition (2018)
8092 Златева-Колева, П. И., Речник за лексикография и речниково изследване / Wörterbuch zur Lexikographie und Wörterbuchforschung (2022)
8093 Sinapov, P. V., Nikolov, N. D., Damping Ratio Determination of a Cantilever Steel Beam (2022)
8094 ., Технологии в текстилното производство- II част, стр. 125 (2022)
8095 Kumar V., Singh H., Saxena K., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., An ANN Model for Predicting Radio Wave Attenuation due to Rain and its Business Aspect (2021)
8096 Singh H., Kumar V., Saxena K., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., Prediction of Radio Wave Attenuation due to Clouds Using ANN and its Business Aspects (2021)
8097 Bonev, B. G., Angelov, K. N., Altimirski, E. S., Study on Radio Link Availability in Millimeter Wave Range (2011)
8098 Bonev, B. G., Angelov, K. N., Altimirski, E. S., Experimental Estimation and Correction of the Methods for Radio Waves Attenuation Prediction in Rain (2012)
8099 Bonev, B. G., Angelov, K. N., Investigation on millimeter waves usage in hybrid FSO/RF communication systems (2009)
8100 Bonev, B. G., Petkov, P. Z., Fractal J-pole antenna (2016)