Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Спасов, В. К., Костов, И. Й., Шишкова С.
Заглавие: Сравнителен анализ на методите за изчисляване на сила в 2d МКЕ
Ключови думи: electromagnetic force, non-linear permanent magnet , 2dMKE

Абстракт: Three methods for electromagnetic force computation are analyzed - the virtual work method, the Maxwell stress tensor method and the nodal force method. The numerical analysis is carried out by the two-dimensional nodal finite element method with first order triangles. The methods are applied to compute the electromagnetic force at different air gaps of a non-linear permanent magnet with steel core. A comparison is made from the viewpoint of accuracy, speed and computer implementation. References(5)



    Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv, том 12, стр. стр. 115-120, 2005, България, Пловдив, ISSN 1310-8271

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Spasov, V. K., Kostov, I. J., Shishkova S.
    Title: Comparative analysis of the force computation methods in the 2d fem
    Keywords: electromagnetic force, non-linear permanent magnet , 2dMKE

    Abstract: Three methods for electromagnetic force computation are analyzed - the virtual work method, the Maxwell stress tensor method and the nodal force method. The numerical analysis is carried out by the two-dimensional nodal finite element method with first order triangles. The methods are applied to compute the electromagnetic force at different air gaps of a non-linear permanent magnet with steel core. A comparison is made from the viewpoint of accuracy, speed and computer implementation.References(5)



      Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv, vol. 12, pp. 115-120, 2005, Bulgaria, Plovdiv, ISSN 1310-8271

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