Autors: Petrov T., P. Tashev., Kandeva, M. K. Title: Wear Resistance Of Surface Layers Modified With AL2O3 and TICN Nanopowders Weld Overlaid Using TIG and ITIG Methods Keywords: nanopowders, weld overlay, TIG weld overlay, ITIG weld overl Abstract: During the recent decade the processes and technologies based on energy heat sources are increasingly used for manufacture of new machine parts or resto-ration of worn ones. The surfaces with nanomodified overlaid layers exhibit in-creased hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. Morover, satisfactory manufacture effectiveness is achieved because of the minimum allowances for mechanical processing. The processes of weld overlay also allow to control the chemical content and the phase content of the layers obtained.This work suggests a new approach to the modification of surface layers with nanoparticles of carbide-, nitride-, oxide- and other powders. The addition of the particles is implemented within the low-temperature area of the weld pool, thus preventing their overheating. The structure and the microhardness of the surface layers modified with nanopowders of Аl2О3 and TiCN and overlaid using Tung-sten inert gas (TIG) and Impulse TIG (ITIG). References Issue
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Цитирания (Citation/s):
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2. ПЛАМЕН ТАШЕВ, Внасяне на наночастици в течната фаза при заваряване, Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, С., 2020, монография, 191 стр. - 2020 - в български издания
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4. НИКОЛАЙ АЛЕКСИЕВ, Наномодифициране на метала на шева при заваряване и наваряванена алуминиеви сплави, Academic journal Mechanics, Transport, Communications, Vol. 14 (3), article No 1332, (2016), ISSN: 1312-3823 - 2016 - в български издания
Вид: публикация в международен форум, публикация в издание с импакт фактор, индексирана в Scopus и Web of Science