Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Димитров, Е. Ц., Гигов, Б. И., Панчев, С. Е., Михайлов, Ф. И., Пейчев, М. Х.
Заглавие: A study of hydrogen fuel impact on compression ignition engine performance
Ключови думи: водород-дизелово гориво, изпитване на дизелов двигател, димн

Абстракт: В тази статия е представен изпитателен стенд за двигатели с компресионно запалване с двойно гориво. При условията на съвместно изгаряне на водородно-дизелово гориво се определят параметрите на двигателя - ефективност: ефективен въртящ момент, ефективна мощност и средно ефективно налягане; икономия на гориво: разход на гориво и специфичен разход на гориво; токсичност: въглероден оксид, въглероден диоксид, азотни оксиди, въглеводороди и димни емисии. Изследвано е влиянието на масовото съотношение на водород-дизелово гориво върху токсичността и икономичността на двигателя чрез получаване на поредица от вариационни характеристики на съотношението водород-дизелово гориво при постоянна скорост на двигателя и натоварване. Установява се подобряване на икономическите параметри на двигателя и намаляване на концентрацията на въглероден диоксид в отработените газове при използване на водородно газово гориво.


  1. E. Uludamar, Effect of hydroxy and hydrogen gas addition on diesel engine fuelled with microalgae biodiesel, International journal of hydrogen energy. (in press) (2018)
  2. H. Arat, M. Baltacioglu, M. Özcanli, K. Aydin, Effect of using Hydroxy-CNG fuel mixtures in a nonmodified diesel engine by substitution of diesel fuel, International journal of hydrogen energy, 41(19), 8354-8363 (2016)
  3. G. Belgiornoa, G. Blasioa, C. Beatricea, Parametric study and optimization of the main engine calibration parameters and compression ratio of a methane-diesel dual fuel engine, Fuel, 222, 821-840 (2018)
  4. B. Ashok, S. Ashok, C. Kumar, LPG diesel dual fuel engine – A critical review, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 54(2), 105-126 (2015)
  5. H. Wu, Z. Wu, Study on combustion characteristics and emissions of diesel-hydrogen mixtures by using energy-share method in a diesel engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, 42, 154-162 (2012)
  6. M. Ciniviz, H. Köse, Hydrogen use in internal combustion engine: A review, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 1(1), 1-15 (2012)
  7. J. Antunes, R. Mikalsen, A. Roskilly, An experimental study of a direct injection compression ignition hydrogen engine, International journal of hydrogen energy, 34(15), 6516-6522 (2009)
  8. G. Berry, A. Pasternak, G. Rambach, J. Smith, R. Schock, Hydrogen as future transportation fuel, Energy, 21(4), 289-303 (1996)
  9. H. Koten, Hydrogen effects on diesel engine performance and emissions, International journal of hydrogen energy, 43(22), 10511-10519 (2018)
  10. I. Mirica, C. Pana, N. Negurescu, A. Cernat, C. Nutu, Experimental studys of the hydrogen addition effects on diesel engine performance, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 147(1) (2016)
  11. N. Saravanan, G. Nagarajan, G. Sanjay, C. Dhanasekaran, K. Kalaiselvan, Combustion analysis on a DI diesel engine with hydrogen in dual fuel mode, Fuel, 87(17-18), 3591-3599 (2008)
  12. P. Dimitriou, M. Kumar, T. Tsujimura, Y. Suzuki, Combustion and emission characteristics of a hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel engine, International journal of hydrogen energy, 43(29), 13605-13617 (2018)
  13. T. Tsujimura, Y. Suzuki, The utilization of hydrogen in hydrogen/diesel dual fuel engine, International journal of hydrogen energy, 42(19), 14019-14029 (2017)
  14. I. Mirica, A. Cernat, C. Pana, N. Negurescu, C. Nutu, Performance comparison between hydrogen and diesel fuel fuelled compression ignition engine, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D, 77(4), 217-228 (2015)
  15. Y. Karagöz, İ. Guler, T. Sandalcı, L. Yüksek, A. Dalkılıç, Effect of hydrogen enrichment on combustion characteristics, emissions and performance of a diesel engine, International journal of hydrogen energy, 41(1), 656-665 (2016)
  16. E. Dimitrov, A. Tashev, S. Pantchev, Methodology for Experimental Study of the Impact of Gaseous Fuels on the Performance of the Diesel Engine Operating on Gas-Diesel Cycle, BulTrans-2015 Proceedings, 103-107 (2015)
  17. N. Pavlov, Numerical simulation on the vibration of a test bed with Engine with dual mass flywheel, International scientific journal Trans Motauto World, 3(1), 49-51 (2018)


BulTrans-2018, MATEC Web of Conferences, Аrticle № 03001, том 234, 2018, България, Созопол - ТУ-София, MATEC Web of Conferences, ISSN 1313-955X

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Autors: Dimitrov, E. T., Gigov, B. I., Panchev, S. E., Michaylov, F. I., Peychev, M. H.
Title: A study of hydrogen fuel impact on compression ignition engine performance
Keywords: hydrogen-diesel, diesel engine testing, smoke, effective and toxic engine parameters

Abstract: In this paper, a dual-fuel compression ignition engine test bench is presented. In hydrogen-diesel fuel co-combustion conditions, the engine parameters are determined – performance: effective torque, effective power and mean effective pressure; fuel economy: fuel consumption and specific fuel consumption; toxicity: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and smoke emissions (opacity). The impact of hydrogen-diesel fuel mass ratio on the performance, toxicity and economy of the engine is studied by obtaining a series of hydrogen-diesel fuel ratio variation characteristics at constant engine speed and load. Improvement of the economical parameters of the engine and reduction of carbon dioxide concentration in exhaust gases is detected under peration with hydrogen gas fuel. Significant reduction of the exhaust gases opacity is observed. It is not clear what the impact of the quantity of hydrogen, injected in the engine, on the concentration of nitrogen oxides is.


  1. E. Uludamar, Effect of hydroxy and hydrogen gas addition on diesel engine fuelled with microalgae biodiesel, International journal of hydrogen energy. (in press) (2018)
  2. H. Arat, M. Baltacioglu, M. Özcanli, K. Aydin, Effect of using Hydroxy-CNG fuel mixtures in a nonmodified diesel engine by substitution of diesel fuel, International journal of hydrogen energy, 41(19), 8354-8363 (2016)
  3. G. Belgiornoa, G. Blasioa, C. Beatricea, Parametric study and optimization of the main engine calibration parameters and compression ratio of a methane-diesel dual fuel engine, Fuel, 222, 821-840 (2018)
  4. B. Ashok, S. Ashok, C. Kumar, LPG diesel dual fuel engine – A critical review, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 54(2), 105-126 (2015)
  5. H. Wu, Z. Wu, Study on combustion characteristics and emissions of diesel-hydrogen mixtures by using energy-share method in a diesel engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, 42, 154-162 (2012)
  6. M. Ciniviz, H. Köse, Hydrogen use in internal combustion engine: A review, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 1(1), 1-15 (2012)
  7. J. Antunes, R. Mikalsen, A. Roskilly, An experimental study of a direct injection compression ignition hydrogen engine, International journal of hydrogen energy, 34(15), 6516-6522 (2009)
  8. G. Berry, A. Pasternak, G. Rambach, J. Smith, R. Schock, Hydrogen as future transportation fuel, Energy, 21(4), 289-303 (1996)
  9. H. Koten, Hydrogen effects on diesel engine performance and emissions, International journal of hydrogen energy, 43(22), 10511-10519 (2018)
  10. I. Mirica, C. Pana, N. Negurescu, A. Cernat, C. Nutu, Experimental studys of the hydrogen addition effects on diesel engine performance, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 147(1) (2016)
  11. N. Saravanan, G. Nagarajan, G. Sanjay, C. Dhanasekaran, K. Kalaiselvan, Combustion analysis on a DI diesel engine with hydrogen in dual fuel mode, Fuel, 87(17-18), 3591-3599 (2008)
  12. P. Dimitriou, M. Kumar, T. Tsujimura, Y. Suzuki, Combustion and emission characteristics of a hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel engine, International journal of hydrogen energy, 43(29), 13605-13617 (2018)
  13. T. Tsujimura, Y. Suzuki, The utilization of hydrogen in hydrogen/diesel dual fuel engine, International journal of hydrogen energy, 42(19), 14019-14029 (2017)
  14. I. Mirica, A. Cernat, C. Pana, N. Negurescu, C. Nutu, Performance comparison between hydrogen and diesel fuel fuelled compression ignition engine, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D, 77(4), 217-228 (2015)
  15. Y. Karagöz, İ. Guler, T. Sandalcı, L. Yüksek, A. Dalkılıç, Effect of hydrogen enrichment on combustion characteristics, emissions and performance of a diesel engine, International journal of hydrogen energy, 41(1), 656-665 (2016)
  16. E. Dimitrov, A. Tashev, S. Pantchev, Methodology for Experimental Study of the Impact of Gaseous Fuels on the Performance of the Diesel Engine Operating on Gas-Diesel Cycle, BulTrans-2015 Proceedings, 103-107 (2015)
  17. N. Pavlov, Numerical simulation on the vibration of a test bed with Engine with dual mass flywheel, International scientific journal Trans Motauto World, 3(1), 49-51 (2018)


BulTrans-2018, MATEC Web of Conferences, Аrticle № 03001, vol. 234, 2018, Bulgaria, Sozopol - TU-Sofia, https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201823403001, ISSN 1313-955X

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