Autors: Hristev, I. S., Pleshkova, S. G.
Title: The use of Finite Differences in the Time Domain numerical method for calculation of sound diffusion coefficient
Keywords: FDTD; sound diffusion; Schroeder diffuser; simulation

Abstract: Sound scattering coefficients are very important and used in room acoustics task. The goal in this article is to investigate sound scattering phenomenon and especially sound scattering coefficients, the well-established as parameters in room acoustics design. The investigation has been conducted by using standard staggered grid leapfrog Finite Difference in the Time Domain (FDTD) numerical scheme in two dimensions. The shape under investigation is single plane Schroeder sound diffuser. The calculations of sound diffusion coefficients with the proposed method are simulated in Matlab developing a suitable algorithm for FDTD. The results from the simulations have been presented and compared against simulations using Boundary Element Method and measured data.


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, vol. 18, issue 112, pp. 35-39, 2018, United States, IJETCAS, ISSN 2279-0055

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