Autors: Tongov, M. T., Petrov P.I.
Keywords: EBW, Electron Beam Welding, Electron Optic System, modelling

Abstract: This study represents results from mathematical modelling of the electron beam formation into electrostatic field, created by electron optic system (EOS) of the electron beam welding (EBW) gun. Using Finite Element Method (FEM), electrical, thermal and electrostatic tasks are solved. Because of the numerical simulation, the dependences between input (cathode heating current, anode and wehnelt voltage) and beam parameters (current magnitude, spatial arrangement of the crossover and the area of the electron beam) are calculated. The structure of the electrostatic field is presented according to the voltage of the anode and wehnelt. The shape and dimensions of the electron beam are determined in the various sections of the electrostatic optic system.


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TEMEL-ij, vol. 1, issue 2, pp. 85-94, 2017, Macedonia, EURO STARTER, ISBN ISSN 2545 - 4390

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