Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Зарков, З. Ж., Бачев, И. Е., Демирков, Б. Т., Лазаров, В. Д.
Заглавие: Експериментално изследване на алтернатори за приложения във ветроенергийни преобразувателни системи
Ключови думи: ветроенергийни преобразувателни системи, ВЕПС, автомобилни а

Абстракт: Работата представя резултатите от експериментално изследване на автомобилен алтернатор. На базата на получените от изследването характеристики и параметри е разработен устойчив математически модел на алтернатора чрез уравненията на обобщената теория на електрическите машини. Разработен е и симулационен компютърен модел в среда Matlab/Simulink. Експерименталните данни са сравнени с резултатите от симулациите и е получено добро съвпадение. Разработеният модел ще бъде използван в бъдещи изследвания на работата на автомобилни алтернатори в малки ветроенергийни преобразувателни системи.


  1. Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), 2016, Wind Report 2016, e-book, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), <http://www.gwec.net/wp-content/uploads/vip/GWEC-Global-Wind-2015-Report_April-2016_22_04.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 16.11.2016
  2. World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), 2016, Small Wind World Report 2016, e-book, World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), <http://www.wwindea.org/download/small_wind_/SWWR2016-SUMMARYR_2.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 16.11.2016
  3. IEC, 2013, IEC-61400-2:2013, “Wind turbines - Part 2: Small wind turbines”, e-book, IEC, IEC, <https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/5433>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 16.11.2016
  4. Shrud M. A., Bousbaine A., Elazrag A., Benamrouche N., 2009, Analysis and simulation of a 42V power system for automotive applications, Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2009 Proceedings of the 44th International, Glasgow, Scotland, 1-4 Sept. 2009, <Glasgow, Scotland>, UPEC
  5. Perreault D. J., Caliskan V., 2000, A new design for automotive alternators, Proceedings of International Congress on Transportation Electronics (Convergence 2000), USA, Oct. 2000, <USA>, Convergence 2000
  6. Perreault D. J., Caliskan V., 2004, Automotive power generation and control, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, том vol. 19, no. 3, стр. стр. pp. 618-630
  7. Muljadi E., Butterfield C. P., 2002, Pitch–controlled variable wind turbine generators, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., том vol. 37, стр. стр. pp. 240-246
  8. Mesbahi A., Saad A., Khafallah M., Bouattane O., Raihani A., 2013, Boost converter analysis to optimise variable speed PMSG wind generation system, 2013 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), Ouarzazate, Morocco, 7-9 March 2013, <Ouarzazate, Morocco>, IRSEC
  9. IEC, 2008, IEC-60034-4:2008, “Rotating electrical machines - Part 4: Methods for determining synchronous machine quantities from tests”, e-book, IEC, IEC, <https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/138>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 16.11.2016
  10. Gimeno A, 2011, Contribution à l’étude d’alternateurs automobiles: caractérisation des pertes en vue d’un dimensionnement optimal, PhD, <Université de Technologie de Compiègne>
  11. Whaley D. M., Soong W. L., Ertugrul N., 2004, Extracting More Power from the Lundell Car Alternator, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2004), Brisbane, Australia, 26-29 Sept. 2004, <Brisbane, Australia>, AUPEC
  12. Lazarov V., 2012, Theoretical and practical problems of the modeling of wind-power generators, E+E, том 11-12 2012, стр. стр. pp. 53-61


VIII Научна конференция ЕФ 2016, 2016, България, Варна

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Zarkov, Z. J., Bachev, I. E., Demirkov, B. T., Lazarov, V. D.
Title: Experimental Study of Alternators for Applications in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Keywords: wind energy conversion systems, WECS, automobile alternators

Abstract: The work presents the results from an experimental study of an automobile alternator. On the base of the obtained characteristics and parameters is developed a stable mathematical model of the alternator using the equations of the generalized theory of the electrical machines. A simulation model in Matlab/Simulink environment is also developed. The comparison between the simulations results and experimental data shows good agreement. The developed model will be used in further studies of operation of automobile alternators in small wind energy conversion systems (WECS).


  1. Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), 2016, Wind Report 2016, e-book, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), <http://www.gwec.net/wp-content/uploads/vip/GWEC-Global-Wind-2015-Report_April-2016_22_04.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 16.11.2016
  2. World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), 2016, Small Wind World Report 2016, e-book, World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), <http://www.wwindea.org/download/small_wind_/SWWR2016-SUMMARYR_2.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 16.11.2016
  3. IEC, 2013, IEC-61400-2:2013, “Wind turbines - Part 2: Small wind turbines”, e-book, IEC, IEC, <https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/5433>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 16.11.2016
  4. Shrud M. A., Bousbaine A., Elazrag A., Benamrouche N., 2009, Analysis and simulation of a 42V power system for automotive applications, Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2009 Proceedings of the 44th International, Glasgow, Scotland, 1-4 Sept. 2009, <Glasgow, Scotland>, UPEC
  5. Perreault D. J., Caliskan V., 2000, A new design for automotive alternators, Proceedings of International Congress on Transportation Electronics (Convergence 2000), USA, Oct. 2000, <USA>, Convergence 2000
  6. Perreault D. J., Caliskan V., 2004, Automotive power generation and control, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, том vol. 19, no. 3, стр. стр. pp. 618-630
  7. Muljadi E., Butterfield C. P., 2002, Pitch–controlled variable wind turbine generators, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., том vol. 37, стр. стр. pp. 240-246
  8. Mesbahi A., Saad A., Khafallah M., Bouattane O., Raihani A., 2013, Boost converter analysis to optimise variable speed PMSG wind generation system, 2013 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), Ouarzazate, Morocco, 7-9 March 2013, <Ouarzazate, Morocco>, IRSEC
  9. IEC, 2008, IEC-60034-4:2008, “Rotating electrical machines - Part 4: Methods for determining synchronous machine quantities from tests”, e-book, IEC, IEC, <https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/138>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 16.11.2016
  10. Gimeno A, 2011, Contribution à l’étude d’alternateurs automobiles: caractérisation des pertes en vue d’un dimensionnement optimal, PhD, <Université de Technologie de Compiègne>
  11. Whaley D. M., Soong W. L., Ertugrul N., 2004, Extracting More Power from the Lundell Car Alternator, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2004), Brisbane, Australia, 26-29 Sept. 2004, <Brisbane, Australia>, AUPEC
  12. Lazarov V., 2012, Theoretical and practical problems of the modeling of wind-power generators, E+E, том 11-12 2012, стр. стр. pp. 53-61


VIII Science Conference EF 2016, 2016, Bulgaria, Varna, Bulgaria

Full text of the publication

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