Autors: Borissova, A. B., Popov, D. A., Hristov, K. H.
Title: An Evaluation of High-Temperature Energy Storage with Closed Gas Turbine Discharge Cycle
Keywords: energy storage, molten salts, air Bryton Cycle, organic Rank

Abstract: his paper presents research on improving the efficiency of air-based pumped heat energy storage. We used a simulation tool to model the charging and discharging cycles of the reference case. The discharge cycle of the baseline system is inefficient because it loses a lot of low-potential residual heat. Organic Rankine cycle is the technology used to convert this thermal energy into electricity. Adding it as a bottoming cycle increased the generated power by 6% and the round-trip efficiency by 5.6%.



    16th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference (BulEF), 2024, Bulgaria, IEEE,

    Copyright IEEE

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