Автори: Ганев, Б. Т., Маринов, М. Б. Заглавие: КОМПЮТЪРНО УПРАВЛЯВАН ИЗМЕРВАТЕЛЕН УСИЛВАТЕЛ Ключови думи: Instrumentation amplifier, LabVIEW, programmable gain amplif
Абстракт: In this paper is presented a technical solution, design and theimplementation of a cost effective digitally controlled programmable-gaininstrumentation amplifier. The amplifier is composed of two cascaded stages, based on PGA202/203. It can be controlled with DAQ NI USB6008/9 and LabVIEW, or with microcontroller.
Библиография - Куцаров С, 2006, Измервателни усилватели, Инженеринг ревю, том 7, стр. стр. 101
- Златаров В., Л. Доневска, Д. Стаменов, И. Немигенчев, 1994, Електронни аналогови схеми и устройства, София, Техника
- Zumbahlen, H., 2008, Linear Circuit Design Handbook, Germany, Newnes
- Texas Instruments, 2014, TL431 Precision Programmable Reference, 27.06.2014, <http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tl431.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 01.01.2014
- Burr Brown, 1993, Digitally Controlled Programmable-Gain INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER, 27.06.2014, <http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/sbos002/sbos002.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 01.08.1993
| Електроника 2014, стр. стр. 147-152, 2014, България, София, ISSN 1313-3985 |
Пълен текст на публикацията | Autors: Ganev, B, T., M, M. B. Title: COMPUTER CONTROLLED MEASUREMENT AMPLIFIER Keywords: Instrumentation amplifier, LabVIEW, programmable gain amplifier.Abstract: In this paper is presented a technical solution, design and theimplementation of a cost effective digitally controlled programmable-gaininstrumentation amplifier. The amplifier is composed of two cascaded stages, based on PGA202/203. It can be controlled with DAQ NI USB6008/9 and LabVIEW, or with microcontroller. References - Куцаров С, 2006, Измервателни усилватели, Инженеринг ревю, том 7, стр. стр. 101
- Златаров В., Л. Доневска, Д. Стаменов, И. Немигенчев, 1994, Електронни аналогови схеми и устройства, София, Техника
- Zumbahlen, H., 2008, Linear Circuit Design Handbook, Germany, Newnes
- Texas Instruments, 2014, TL431 Precision Programmable Reference, 27.06.2014, <http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tl431.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 01.01.2014
- Burr Brown, 1993, Digitally Controlled Programmable-Gain INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER, 27.06.2014, <http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/sbos002/sbos002.pdf>, Дата на последен преглед (Last accessed on): 01.08.1993
| ELECTRONICA 2014, pp. 147-152, 2014, Bulgaria, Sofia, ISSN 1313-3985 |
Full text of the publication |