Autors: Mladenov, G. D., Saliev, D. N., Damyanov, I. S., Valkovski, C. I., Iontchev, E.,I. Title: Measurement of vehicle emissions in real road conditions part I. Methodology for measuring emissions from vehicles Keywords: emissionsdiesel, gasoline, lLPG, CNG, testing conditions Abstract: Passenger cars are an important source of air pollution, especially in urban areas. Recently, real-driving emissions (RDE) test procedures have been introduced in the EU aiming to evaluate nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate number (PN) emissions from passenger cars during on-road operation. Although RDE accounts for a large variety of real-world driving, it excludes certain driving situations by setting boundary conditions (e.g., in relation to altitude, temperature or dynamic driving). The present work investigates the on-road emissions of NOx, NO2, CO, particle number (PN) and CO2 from a vehicles, including diesel, gasoline, liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles. The vehicles were tested under different on-road driving conditions outside boundaries. These included ‘baseline’ tests, but also testing conditions beyond the RDE boundary conditions to investigate the performance of the emissions control devices in demanding situations. References Issue
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