Autors: Slavova A., Zafirova, Z. Z., Zecca P.
Title: CNN modeling of a class of integro- differential equations
Keywords: integro-differential equation, Cellular Nonlinear Networks;

Abstract: In this paper we study a class of integro-differential equations. First we present Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNN) modeling of integro-differential equations. We map the equation under consideration into CNN architectureand study its dynamics. Applying harmonic balance method we obtain periodic solutions of the model. We provide numerical simulations which illustrate the obtained theoretical results.



    Fifth International Conference New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences, vol. 30, issue 1, pp. 171-184, 2019, Bulgaria, BAS Pliska Studia mathematica Bulgarica, ISBN ISSN 0204-9805,


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    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. Edge of chaos in memristor cellular nonlinear networks - 2022 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

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