Autors: Zahariev, Z. V., Zaharieva G. K., Peeva, K. G.
Title: Fuzzy relational inequalities - Min-Goguen implication
Keywords: Theoretical computer science, MATLAB, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy set

Abstract: An algorithms for solving Min-Goguen fuzzy linear systems of inequalities is presented in this paper. Based on the logic for solving fuzzy linear systems of equations, we propose two separate algorithms for solving corresponding types of fuzzy linear systems of inequalities. Examples as well as analysis of the computational and memory complexity are also given.



    AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1, issue 2505, pp. 120005-1 - 120005-9, 2022, United States, AIP Publishing, DOI 10.1063/5.0103027

    Full text of the publication

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