Autors: Barta, D., Gechev, T. M., Kravchenko, O., Kravchenko, K., Zigo, A., Dizo, J.
Title: Practical assessment of the friction material wear in disc brake pads of heavy-duty vehicles operating in Europe and its environmental impact
Keywords: particle, friction material, disc brake pad, heavy-duty vehi

Abstract: The article focuses on practical assessment of disc brake pads in semi-trailer trucks operating on European roads. Data processing is carried out according to the practical data of a transport enterprise from Bulgaria. The presented results are on the amount of produced friction material per millimeter of worn-out brake pad friction layer and per km mileage of the pad. Additionally, the factors affecting the wear of the friction pair “brake disc-brake pad” are described and a simplified expert assessment and ranking of these factors is carried out. The impact on the environment and the human health by the friction material wear and its production of PM is considered.


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48. mezinárodní konference kateder dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů, pp. 14-23, 2022, Czech Republic, Technical University of Liberec, ISBN 978-80-7494-606-6

Copyright Technical University of Liberec

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