Autors: Karapetkov, S. M., Uzunov, H. V., Dechkova, S. V., Uzunov V. H.
Title: Dynamics Of Vehicle-Pedestrian Impact. Cauchy Problem And Finite Element Method
Keywords: automobile, pedestrian, impact, dynamics, finite elements, A

Abstract: Technology advancement has contributed not only to the reduction of road related accidents but to the improvement of road safety, increasing pedestrian safety significantly. Pedestrian lower injury risk is mainly achieved through the effect of the vehicle’s front-end profile, the use of specific shock absorbing materials and so on. The presented model in such a way could predict with sufficient accuracy the complex pedestrian's behaviour and movement according to the vehicle’s frontend profile so as to improve safety measures. The complexity of the study is related to the fact that the two objects, the automobile and the pedestrian, are completely different and do not have the same characteristic features, e.g. there is significant difference in their masses, which is in the range of more than 10 times, especially in an auto-pedestrian accident. This paper presents a methodology for identifying a front-impact car accident and car-pedestrian lateral impact, modelling the relative motio



    Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 15 (4) (2022), vol. 15, issue 4, pp. 123 - 133, 2022, Greece, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, DOI: 10.25103/jestr.154.18

    Full text of the publication

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