Autors: Genov, J. A., Kralov, I. M.
Title: BEM Theory Adaptation Taking into Account the Wind Speed Vertical Gradient for Wind Turbines of High Class Part 1 A Theoretical Formulation
Keywords: Blade element momentum theory

Abstract: The powerful wind generators, producing electric power on the order of megawatts are with significant sizes. The studies on the interaction between the air flow and the wind turbine usually assume that the airflow is homogeneous in vertical direction, which admission is made also in the classical Blade element momentum (BEM) theory. While for the smaller wind turbines this assumption does not lead to significant inaccuracies, for powerful generators the vertical gradient of the wind velocity causes a dependence of the aerodynamic interaction from the angle of rotation of the turbine and leads to a significant cyclic variability of the forces and moments acting on the blades, even for a constant flow velocity without a longitudinal turbulence. The study of this problem is important for the blades loads and fatigue calculations as well as for the synthesis of an individual pitch control of the turbine blades.



    Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics: (AMEE'18), vol. 2048, 2018, Bulgaria, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, DOI 10.1063/1.5082033

    Copyright American Institute of Physics

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