Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Грозданов, К. Ц., Антонов, И. С., Радослав Руменов Бакиев.
Заглавие: Numerical simulation development of fire in RTV
Ключови думи: Fire, crash, PyroSim

Абстракт: By using a programming environment PyroSim is made simulation of a fire in the engine compartment of the car. Observe the evolution of fire during and penetration into the passenger compartment. The results give an idea of the alternatives for action by passengers and rescue teams.



    Научн трудове, том Том 55, серия 1.2, стр. стр. 106-110, 2016, България, Русе, Русенски университет, ISSN 1311-3321
    Autors: Grozdanov, K. T., Antonv, I. S., Radoslav Rumenov Bakiev.
    Title: Numerical simulation development of fire in RTV
    Keywords: Fire, crash, PyroSim

    Abstract: By using a programming environment PyroSim is made simulation of a fire in the engine compartment of the car. Observe the evolution of fire during and penetration into the passenger compartment. The results give an idea of the alternatives for action by passengers and rescue teams.



      Nauchn trudove, vol. Tom 55, seria 1.2, pp. 106-110, 2016, Bulgaria, Ruse, Rusenski universitet, ISSN 1311-3321

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