Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Грозданов, К. Ц.
Заглавие: Modelling of occurrence and spread of fire in RTV
Ключови думи: fire, road accidents, thermal and gas dynamics, statistic da

Абстракт: Statistic data shows that in 3% of road accidents might occur fire. On the other hand, about 30 percent of fires are due to car accidents. This article presents a mathematical model based on thermal and gas dynamics that are based on fire in car.



    Научн трудове, том Том 55, серия 1.2, стр. стр. 244, 2016, България, Русе, Русенски университет, ISSN 1311-3321

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Grozdanov, K. T.
    Title: Modelling of occurrence and spread of fire in RTV
    Keywords: fire, road accidents, thermal and gas dynamics, statistic data, mathematical model

    Abstract: Statistic data shows that in 3% of road accidents might occur fire. On the other hand, about 30 percent of fires are due to car accidents. This article presents a mathematical model based on thermal and gas dynamics that are based on fire in car



      Nauchni trudove, vol. Tom 55, seria 1.2, pp. 244, 2016, Bulgaria, Ruse, Rusenski universitet, ISSN 1311-3321

      Full text of the publication

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