Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Маринов, Б. Н., Очкова-Димитрова, Е. Д.
Заглавие: „Игрови модел мениджмънт във визуалната комуникация“

Абстракт: Статията поглежда към играта като културен феномен заложен в игрови мисловни конструкции и чрез нея търси връзки между изкуството и управленските подходи. Игровият модел на деструкция на изображението се въвежда и ползва като паралел при човешките отношения. Това би дало възможност да погледнем иновативно в поведенческите методи на кроскултурния мениджмънт.


  1. Potter, M., Wyble, B. et al., 2014, Detecting meaning in RSVP at 13 ms per picture, Journal of Attention Perception & Psychophysics., том Vol.76,№ 2, стр. стр. pp 270-279
  2. Barbu, C., Şomăcescu, S., 2016, Challenges of the Organizational Communication in the Context of the New Technologies, J. of Advanced Research in Economics and International Business, том Vol. IV, № 5, стр. стр. pp 5-7
  3. Leonardi, P., 2014, Social Media, Knowledge Sharing, and Innovation: Toward a Theory of Communication Visibility, Information Systems Research, том Vol. 25, No. 4, стр. стр. pp 796–816.
  4. Strati, S., 2008, Aesthetics of Organization, International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, том Sage, Studi di Trento, стр. стр. pp 38-41.
  5. Willerding, I., Lapolli, E., 2014, Organizational Aesthetics as a Contribution in the Management of Entrepreneurial Organizations: Systematic Literature Review and Qualitative Meta-Synthesis, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, том Vol. 4, No. 10, стр. стр. pp 215-222.
  6. Sutherland, I., Ladkin, D., 2013, Creating engaged executive learning spaces: the role of aesthetic agency, J. of Organizational Aesthetics, Digital Commons, том Vol. 2, № 1, стр. стр. pp. 105-124
  7. Hyoyzinha, Y., 2000, Homo Ludens, Sofiya, Zahari Stoyanov
  8. Artinger, F., Petersen, M., et.al., 2014, Heuristics as adaptive decision strategies in management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, том John Wiley & Sons, стр. стр. U.K.
  9. Vigotski, L., 1978, Psihologiya na izkustvoto, Sofiya, Nauka i izkustvo
  10. Valeri, P, 2011, Rech za estetikata i drugi eseta, Sofiya, NBU
  11. Laplansh, Zh., Pontalis, Zh.,, 2009, Rechnik na psihoanalizata, Sofiya, Kolibri,
  12. Apignansi R., Garat K., 2002, Predstavyame vi postmodernizam, Sofiya, Apostrofi


X-та МНК „Е-управление и Е-комуникации“, стр. стр. 231-238, 2018, България, Созопол, ТУ-София, ISSN 2534-8523

Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Marinov, B. N., OchkovaDimitrova, E. D.
Title: Game management model in visual communication/
Keywords: gaming model, management, heuristic method, art, visual communication

Abstract: In this paper, the game is reminiscent of a cultural phenomenon, embedded in the playful mentality of the individual, in both areas of arts and the management. It is a mediator in building links between art and management approaches through the visual communication and organizational aesthetic. The thesis that the aesthetic reaction signify a leading thing in making decision-making is supported by the use of a visual artistic experiment presented as a digital painting. The aesthetic impact of art is a „secret leader“ in case of surmount organizational difficulties. It becomes the conductor of the existential human issues (responsibility, freedom, meaning, loneliness, death, etc.) closely linked to the workplace. With the means of heuristics, a theoretical parallel between art and organizational reality is sought. This would allow us to take an innovative look at behavioral methods of the cross-cultural management, as well.


  1. Potter, M., Wyble, B. et al., 2014, Detecting meaning in RSVP at 13 ms per picture, Journal of Attention Perception & Psychophysics., том Vol.76,№ 2, стр. стр. pp 270-279
  2. Barbu, C., Şomăcescu, S., 2016, Challenges of the Organizational Communication in the Context of the New Technologies, J. of Advanced Research in Economics and International Business, том Vol. IV, № 5, стр. стр. pp 5-7
  3. Leonardi, P., 2014, Social Media, Knowledge Sharing, and Innovation: Toward a Theory of Communication Visibility, Information Systems Research, том Vol. 25, No. 4, стр. стр. pp 796–816.
  4. Strati, S., 2008, Aesthetics of Organization, International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, том Sage, Studi di Trento, стр. стр. pp 38-41.
  5. Willerding, I., Lapolli, E., 2014, Organizational Aesthetics as a Contribution in the Management of Entrepreneurial Organizations: Systematic Literature Review and Qualitative Meta-Synthesis, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, том Vol. 4, No. 10, стр. стр. pp 215-222.
  6. Sutherland, I., Ladkin, D., 2013, Creating engaged executive learning spaces: the role of aesthetic agency, J. of Organizational Aesthetics, Digital Commons, том Vol. 2, № 1, стр. стр. pp. 105-124
  7. Hyoyzinha, Y., 2000, Homo Ludens, Sofiya, Zahari Stoyanov
  8. Artinger, F., Petersen, M., et.al., 2014, Heuristics as adaptive decision strategies in management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, том John Wiley & Sons, стр. стр. U.K.
  9. Vigotski, L., 1978, Psihologiya na izkustvoto, Sofiya, Nauka i izkustvo
  10. Valeri, P, 2011, Rech za estetikata i drugi eseta, Sofiya, NBU
  11. Laplansh, Zh., Pontalis, Zh.,, 2009, Rechnik na psihoanalizata, Sofiya, Kolibri,
  12. Apignansi R., Garat K., 2002, Predstavyame vi postmodernizam, Sofiya, Apostrofi


Xth Anniversary International Scientific Conference " E- Governance and E-Communications", pp. 231-238, 2018, Bulgaria, Sozopol, TU-Sofia, ISSN 2534-8523

Full text of the publication

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