Autors: OchkovaDimitrova, E. D.
Title: Collage in the context of design /form-formation in search of our indentity/

Abstract: The paper considers the concept of collage in its broad sense; therefore some artistic styles that use the technique of collage are presented. The importance of this type of representational art technique is rethought in the context of design, also by making a connection with the postmodern situation. The contradiction of the environment provokes the use of contradictory forms. Collage is an opportunity for finding a unity between individual and unfinished items. An ability to destroy existing structures and solids, rearrange the elements into a whole, to discover something new and different. The dynamics of the innovations in the fields of science and technology give occasion for dynamics of the form- formation. Collage appears as an option in the search for individuality of form in the middle of a multicultural environment.


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8-International congress MTM, vol. 3, pp. 21-24, 2011, Bulgaria, Varna, ТУ-София, ISSN 1310-3946

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