Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Зашев, К. И., Филипов, К. Б.
Заглавие: Прилагане на трансмутацията като метод за повишаване на защитата от разпространение на делящи се материали при реакторите на топлинни неутрони
Ключови думи: proliferation resistance, transmutation of minor actinides

Абстракт: In addition to reliable and safe operation one of the main requirements to nuclear power energy sector is to ensure the high level of proliferation resistance. This is possible with the implementation of a set of administrative and technical measures at all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle. In this study are considered the possibilities for increasing the proliferation resistance of thermal nuclear power reactors through a process of one-stage or two-stage transmutation of minor actinides in stand-alone fuel campaigns. Calculations of the isotopic compositions of spent nuclear fuels in different configurations of nuclear fuel cycles have been performed using the SCALE computer code. The contribution of transmutation processes in reducing the risk of proliferation of nuclear materials has been assessed.



    Енергиен форум 2022, 2022, България, Варна, НТСЕ, ISBN ISSN: 2367-6728
    Autors: Zashev, K. I., Filipov, K. B.
    Keywords: proliferation resistance, transmutation of minor actinides

    Abstract: In addition to reliable and safe operation one of the main requirements to nuclear power energy sector is to ensure the high level of proliferation resistance. This is possible with the implementation of a set of administrative and technical measures at all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle. In this study are considered the possibilities for increasing the proliferation resistance of thermal nuclear power reactors through a process of one-stage or two-stage transmutation of minor actinides in stand-alone fuel campaigns. Calculations of the isotopic compositions of spent nuclear fuels in different configurations of nuclear fuel cycles have been performed using the SCALE computer code. The contribution of transmutation processes in reducing the risk of proliferation of nuclear materials has been assessed.



      Energy forum 2022, 2022, Bulgaria, Varna, NTSE, ISBN ISSN: 2367-6728

      Вид: публикация в национален форум с межд. уч.