Оригинал (Original) | |||||
Автори: Ганев, И. Г., Филипов, К. Б. Заглавие: Управление на биоразградимите отпадъци, генерирани в животновъдните стопанства, като елемент от кръговата икономика Ключови думи: circular economy, raw resources utilization, biodegradable w Абстракт: The conception of circular economy is being developed with aim to decrease both the hazardous and raw resources utilization in different industries worldwide. The main purpose of the idea is the integration of wastes from different productions as useful materials in other sector. In this research is performed a brief overview over the possibilities for utilization of biodegradable wastes generated in livestock farms in installations for production of biogas with further application as energy source. It is proposed common methodology which could be applied to the individual farms for the selection of optimal technology. The social and economic factors are also considered regarding the integration in real scales in Bulgaria. Библиография Издание
| Autors: Ganev, I. G., Filipov, K. B. Title: MANAGEMENT OF BIODEGRADABLE WASTE GENERATED IN LIVESTOCK FARMS IN THE CONTEXT OF CIRCULAR ECONOMY Keywords: circular economy, raw resources utilization, biodegradable wastes Abstract: The conception of circular economy is being developed with aim to decrease both the hazardous and raw resources utilization in different industries worldwide. The main purpose of the idea is the integration of wastes from different productions as useful materials in other sector. In this research is performed a brief overview over the possibilities for utilization of biodegradable wastes generated in livestock farms in installations for production of biogas with further application as energy source. It is proposed common methodology which could be applied to the individual farms for the selection of optimal technology. The social and economic factors are also considered regarding the integration in real scales in Bulgaria. References Issue
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