Оригинал (Original) | |||||
Автори: Анелия Бобочоева., Филипов, К. Б. Заглавие: Възможности за енергийни и неенергийни приложения на изотопа калифорний-252 Ключови думи: californium-252 nuclear power energy Абстракт: This article presents the main properties of the isotope californium-252 and its possible applications both in the field of nuclear power energy and in the non-energy applications. Methods for isotopes obtaining are described and some characteristics of their usage in specific applications are discussed. A brief comparative analysis is performed between californium-252 and other neutron sources. Библиография Издание
| Autors: Bobochoeva A., Filipov, K. B. Title: POSSIBILITIES FOR ENERGY AND NON-ENERGY APPLICATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIUM-252 ISOTOPE Keywords: californium-252 nuclear power energy Abstract: This article presents the main properties of the isotope californium-252 and its possible applications both in the field of nuclear power energy and in the non-energy applications. Methods for isotopes obtaining are described and some characteristics of their usage in specific applications are discussed. A brief comparative analysis is performed between californium-252 and other neutron sources. References Issue
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