Оригинал (Original) | |||||
Автори: Зашев, К. И., Филипов, К. Б. Заглавие: Моделиране на двуетапно рециклиране на минорни актиниди в реактори от типа ВВЕР-1000 Ключови думи: minor actinides transmutation WWER-1000 Абстракт: In this study was performed the analysis of possibilities for minor actinides transmutation in VVER-1000 thermal-nuclear power reactor. Two stage recycling model is evaluated to investigate the possibilities to reduce minor actinides included in spent nuclear fuels. Библиография Издание
| Autors: Zashev, K. I., Filipov, K. B. Title: Two stage minor acidines recycling modeling in WWER-1000 reactors Keywords: minor actinides transmutation WWER-1000 Abstract: In this study was performed the analysis of possibilities for minor actinides transmutation in VVER-1000 thermal-nuclear power reactor. Two stage recycling model is evaluated to investigate the possibilities to reduce minor actinides included in spent nuclear fuels. References Issue
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