Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Зашев, К. И., Филипов, К. Б.
Заглавие: Моделиране на двуетапно рециклиране на минорни актиниди в реактори от типа ВВЕР-1000
Ключови думи: minor actinides transmutation WWER-1000

Абстракт: In this study was performed the analysis of possibilities for minor actinides transmutation in VVER-1000 thermal-nuclear power reactor. Two stage recycling model is evaluated to investigate the possibilities to reduce minor actinides included in spent nuclear fuels.



    Енергиен форум 2019, том 1, 2019, България, Варна, НТСЕ, ISBN ISSN: 2367-6728
    Autors: Zashev, K. I., Filipov, K. B.
    Title: Two stage minor acidines recycling modeling in WWER-1000 reactors
    Keywords: minor actinides transmutation WWER-1000

    Abstract: In this study was performed the analysis of possibilities for minor actinides transmutation in VVER-1000 thermal-nuclear power reactor. Two stage recycling model is evaluated to investigate the possibilities to reduce minor actinides included in spent nuclear fuels.



      Energy forum 2019, vol. 1, 2019, Bulgaria, Varna, NTSE, ISBN ISSN: 2367-6728

      Вид: пленарен доклад в национален форум с межд. уч.