Autors: D. JESIC., S. SOVILJ-NIKIC., Kovač, P. K., B. SOVILJ., Kandeva, K. M., Kalitchin, Zh. K., B. SAVKOVIC. Title: Eco-Tribological Properties of Nodular Cast Iron of Ferritic Structural Basis Keywords: eco-tribological properties, nodular cast iron, friction coe Abstract: Ecological design of triboelements implies the selection and application of materials with the highest possible strength and wear resistance. In the design process, it is very important to take into account all eco-tribological aspects, while their neglect in the short and long term can lead to consequences that can be catastrophic and their remediation requires significant financial resources. The paper presents the research results of the influence of normal force, sliding speed and type of isothermal improvement on the friction coefficient for two types of triboelement materials. Based on the obtained results, a proposal for the selection of triboelement materials from the ecological aspect was given. References Issue
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