Autors: Petrova, T. S., Markov, D. G., Naydenova, I. I.
Title: Modeling the Stirling- Ringbom engine cycle
Keywords: Stirling - Ringbom engine, Stirling cycle, mathematical mode

Abstract: The main goal of this article is to present a complete “isothermal” mathematical model of the hybrid Stirling-Ringbom engine cycle and an example of a computational procedure, TUS-SRSim, developed in Matlab/Simulink environment. The TUS-SRSim computational procedure is validated against the Stirling-Ringbom Simulator of the JLB Enterprises. Simulation results about the time variation of several key parameters of a hybrid Stirling-Ringbom engine cycle under various conditions are presented and analyzed.



    Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), vol. 3, issue 7, pp. 5181-5187, 2016, Germany, ISSN 2458-9403

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