Autors: Todorov, G. D., Kamberov, K. H., Romanov, B. G., Sofronov, Y. P.
Title: Increasing level of confidence in CFD analysis results
Keywords: CFD, analysis, verification, virtual prototype, workflow

Abstract: This study previews evaluation of level of confidence in CFD analysis results through physical testing. It relates to both verification (numerical assessment) and validation (physical assessment), focusing on possibilities to improve results confidence. Different V&V workflows are reviewed, aiming to combine approaches to reach required level of confidence. Two main points are discussed – the level of detail (hierarachy) of physical prototype and the stage of simulation process when assessment should be performed. This discussion is based on prior experience and it is illustrated through three industrial projects used as samples. Demonstrated CFD analysis approach is a good base for future practice of design evaluation at earliest possible design stage using virtual prototypes, supported by physical testing.



    NAFEMS NORDIC Seminar: Increase the Confidence in Numerical Simulation, 2017, Norway,

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