Autors: Goranov, P. V., Todorova, E. A., Georgieva, D. S.
Title: Top-down design methodology utilizing abstraction of mechanical interfaces
Keywords: Top-down design, CAD, mechanical interfaces

Abstract: CAD systems are a key design tool. As technology evolves, they provide greater functionality and solve tasks that are more complex. Consequently, the question of their effective use is becoming increasingly important. The present paper discusses the "top-down" design method. During the initial stages of a design process, the geometric description of the components is missing or it is not complete which calls into question the use of CAD. The present work proposes a “top-down” methodology that includes CAD in the early stages of the design process. The discussed methodology takes advantage of the object-oriented approach. There is originated a hierarchical scheme of objects, each of which inherits the methods and attributes of its higher class. This allows design information to spread throughout the whole design process as well as its integration. With an implementation of this model, CAD models of an assembly and its parts can be created on the basis of the information available when



    6th International BAPT Conference “Power Transmissions 2019”, vol. Proceedings 2019 Volume 1, pp. 210-218, 2019, Bulgaria, ISBN ISBN 978-619-7383-12-6

    Вид: постер/презентация в международен форум, публикация в реферирано издание