Autors: Alexandrova, S., Szekeres, A., Halova, E. Y., Modreanu, M.
Title: “LPCVD-Silicon oxynitride films: Low-temperature annealing effects”
Keywords: silicon oxynitride, annealing charged defect centres

Abstract: The electrical properties of silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy) films on Si deposited by low-pressure chemical vapour deposition have been studied. The effect of annealing on SiOxNy films on the basis of frequency analysis of capacitance-voltage and conductance-voltage characteristics of metal-SiOxNy-silicon capacitors in the frequency range 1-300kHz was determined. The post-deposition annealing results in a decrease of the concentrations of the positive dielectric charge and defects in the silicon substrate. The nature of the dielectric charges is discussed.



    Vacuum, vol. 69, issue 1, pp. 385-389, 2002, United Kingdom, DOI 10.1016/S0042-207X(02)00363-9, ISSN 0042207X

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