Autors: Popov, V. L., Shakev, N. G., Topalov, A. V., Ahmed, S. A.
Title: Detection and following of moving target by an indoor mobile robot using multi-sensor information
Keywords: mobile robot, autonomous robotic system, perception and sens

Abstract: The following behavior is an important aspect in developing of mobile robot control algorithms. It is frequently a substantial part of the control strategies used to control robots that are designed to co-exist and collaborate with human beings in a shared working environment. In this research, an approach is proposed and investigated allowing a holonomic mobile platform to detect and follow targets, moving on the ground, in an indoor environment. Using multi-sensor data flow, the control algorithm is able to localize the target object by its shape and to start following it. The robot will maintain the desired orientation and distance while following the target. Additionally, the mobile platform has also a fully manual control mode option and is able to recognize human gesture commands.



    IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 54, issue 13, pp. 357 - 362, 2021, Austria, Elsevier B.V.,

    Copyright Elsevier

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
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