Autors: H, S. I., H, D. A., Y, G. M.
Title: S. Hesapchieva, D Hlebarski, GYanachkov, Experimental Determination of the Impact of Load Transfer on the Basic Geometrical Parameters of the Motorcycle during Braking
Keywords: motorcycle, braking, load transfer

Abstract: The aim of the study is to determine the variation of the basic geometrical parameters of the motorcycle - trail, normal trail, castor angle and wheelbase while braking due to the load transfer. A series of experiments were performed on a dry, smooth section of the roadway, in which the motorcycle started braking from an initial speed of 11 m/s to a complete stop. The experiment was repeated for three different braking modes - using only the front, rear and both brakes simultaneously. Knowing the static load in both wheels, the mass and the acceleration of the motorcycle, the load transferr is determined numerically by known laws. The obtained experimental data were processed in МATLAB software. The results can be used to determine the behavior of the suspension and to evaluate the tendency of the front assembly to dive. The results also can be used to optimize the suspension characteristics in order to increase the stability of movement.



    International Scientific Conference on Aeronautics, Automotive and Railway Engineering and Technologies “BulTrans-2021”, 2021, Bulgaria,

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