Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Ташева, Р. П., Стефанов, И. Ж.
Заглавие: Oценка на параметрите на милисекундния акретиращ пулсар XTEJ 1807-294 чрез моделиране на тройките от едновременни квазипериодични осцилации
Ключови думи: atoll sources, neutron stars, quasi-periodic oscillations

Абстракт: The availability of triplets of simultaneously observed quasi-periodic oscillations in the spectrum of the millisecond pulsar allows an assessment of the mass and the specific angular momentum of the central neutron star to be made. The consistency of the estimates obtained with the different triplets gives us the opportunity to check the viability of the used model, and the error assessment during the parameter calculations is implemented using the error propagation formula.



    Доклади от годишната университетска конференция на НВУ "Васил Левски", 27-28 май 2021, том 3, стр. стр. 139, 2021, България, Велико Търново, Национален военен университет "Васил Левски", ISBN ISSN 1314-1937

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Tasheva, R. P., Stefanov, I. Z.
    Title: Аn assessment of the parameters of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTEJ 1807-294 by modelling of triplets of simultaneous quasiperiodic oscillations
    Keywords: atoll sources, neutron stars, quasi-periodic oscillations

    Abstract: The availability of triplets of simultaneously observed quasi-periodic oscillations in the spectrum of the millisecond pulsar allows an assessment of the mass and the specific angular momentum of the central neutron star to be made. The consistency of the estimates obtained with the different triplets gives us the opportunity to check the viability of the used model, and the error assessment during the parameter calculations is implemented using the error propagation formula.



      Proceedings of the annual university conference of National Military University "Vasil Levski", vol. 3, pp. 139, 2021, Bulgaria, Veliko Tarnovo, National Military University "Vasil Levski", ISBN ISSN 1314-1937

      Full text of the publication

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