Autors: Penev, B. G.
Title: A Simplified Adaptive Two-Dimensional Proportional–Derivative Command to Line-of-Sight Guidance Law
Keywords: anti-tank guided missile, command to line-of-sight, nonlinea

Abstract: This paper deals with a simplified adaptive two-dimensional (2D) proportional-derivative (PD) command to line-of-sight (CLOS) guidance law which widens the interval of stability of the closed loop system of an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) with regard to the phase coupling angle between the two orthogonal channels of the missile, in order to improve the transition process performance while putting the missile onto the line-of-sight (LOS) and fight the loss of the system stability. The guidance law is very simple. It does only rotate the summary vector of the two classical PD guidance laws of y and z -channels in the complex plane by an angle whose angular velocity is directly proportional to an index of disproportionality. The stability of the adaptive mechanism is proven. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by simulation results.



    JOURNAL OF INFORMATICS AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES (JIIT), vol. 2, issue 3, pp. № 2 (3), pp. 22-30, 2021, Bulgaria, ISBN ISSN: 2682 – 9517 (print),ISSN: 2683 – 0930 (online)

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