Autors: Notton G., Stoyanov, L. S., Ezzat M., Lazarov, V. D., Diaf S., Cristofari C.
Title: Integration limit of renewable energy systems in small electrical grid
Keywords: Hydro-pumping; Island grid; Penetration rate; PV energy; Win

Abstract: The integration of renewable energy systems (RES) in an island grid with a small interconnection is limited by their stochastic nature; in small territory, the dispersion of sites is too limited for modifying the wind and solar variability and to smooth the "fatal" energy production. Using energy storage means can improve greatly the electricity distribution and the quality of the electricity. We present the problematic of the electricity production and RES use in islands. A more detailed situation of the island of Corsica is shown, a general view of electrical energy storage means is given and at last, the first results of a system simulation using a hydro-pumping system are presented. The assumptions are explained and the future trends developed.



    Energy Procedia, issue 6, pp. 651 - 665, 2011, Netherlands, Elsevier

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