Autors: Notton G., Lazarov, V. D., Zarkov, Z. Z., Stoyanov, L. S. Title: Optimization of hybrid systems with renewable energy sources : Trends for research Keywords: Energy conversion, Energy management, Energy optimal control Abstract: The paper deals with the sizing and optimization of the hybrid systems with renewable energy sources. The classification accord-ing to different criteria has been made. The examples of optimiza-tion linked with different case studies are shown. Flexible hybrid system of renewable energy sources for validation of the optimiza-tion procedures and results is also shown. On the bases of the discussions future trends for research are presented. References Issue
Цитирания (Citation/s):
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10. 1.2. Lorenzo Mario Pastore, Matteo Sforzini, Gianluigi Lo Basso, Livio de Santoli, H2NG environmental-energy-economic effects in hybrid energy systems for building refurbishment in future National Power to Gas scenarios, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 11289-11301, ISSN 0360-3199, - 2022 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
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