Autors: Nedelchev, M. V., Biljana P. Stošic., Piero Belforte.
Title: Wave Digital Frameworks for Simulation of Microwave Couplers: Transmission Line versus Equivalent Lumped Circuit
Keywords: Wave digital approach, Branch-line couplers, Transmission li

Abstract: In this paper, authors demonstrate different wave digital frameworks of branch-line couplers with three parallel lines. The frameworks for analyzing complex multi-port structure through generalizing the wave digital approach, which is extensively applied for modeling the performance of different physical systems, is presented. The authors propose transmission line model versus earlier presented equivalent lumped circuit model for simulation of microwave couplers, and demonstrate comprehensive analysis results.



    TELSIKS, pp. 175–178, 2021, Serbia,

    Вид: публикация в международен форум, публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в Scopus