Autors: Prodanova, K. S., Uzunova Y.
Title: Nuclear Medical Diagnostic in Bulgarien Patients
Keywords: post-hoc analysis


  1. Prodanova K., Uzunova Y., 2021, Post-Hoc Analysis of Data Received with Nuclear Medical Diagnostic in Bulgarien Patients, WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, Volume 18, pp. 136-140
  2. Negreva M., Prodanova K., Vitlianova K., 2021, Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is associated with early coagulation activity regardless of risk factors for embolism, Minerva Cardiol Angiol., Volume 69(3), pp. 269-276


WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, vol. 18, pp. 136-140, 2021, Spain, WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, DOI 10.1590/2317-6431-2021-2552

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